According to the HTTP standard, HTTP requests can use various request methods.
HTTP1. defined three request methods: GET, POST, and HEAD methods.
HTTP1.1 added five request methods: OPTIONS, PUT, DELETE, TRACE, and CONNECT methods.
Number | Method | Description |
1 | GET | Requests the specified page information and returns the entity body. |
2 | HEAD | Similar to a GET request, except that the response returned does not contain specific content, used to obtain headers. |
3 | POST | Submits data to the specified resource for processing (e.g., submitting a form or uploading a file). The data is included in the request body. POST requests may result in the creation of new resources and/or the modification of existing resources. |
4 | PUT | The data transmitted from the client replaces the content of the specified document. |
5 | DELETE | Request the server to delete the specified page. |
6 | CONNECT | Reserved in the HTTP/1.1 protocol for proxy servers that can tunnel connections. |
7 | OPTIONS | Allows the client to see the server's capabilities. |
8 | TRACE | Echoes the received request, mainly used for testing or diagnostics. |
9 | PATCH | Contains a list in the entity that describes the differences from the original content represented by the URI. |
10 | MOVE | Request the server to move the specified page to another network address. |
11 | COPY | Request the server to copy the specified page to another network address. |
12 | LINK | Request the server to establish a link relationship. |
13 | UNLINK | Break the link relationship. |
14 | WRAPPED | Allows the client to send wrapped requests. |
15 | Extension-method | Additional methods can be added without changing the protocol. |