Android Manifest Features and Permissions Description

The Android Manifest is the core file controlling various feature permissions in Android application development. This reference table provides a detailed description of the names and functions of each parameter item in the Android Manifest. It is an essential reference table for Android development and learning, and friends in need are welcome to use it.

android.permission.ACCESS_CHECKIN_PROPERTIESAccess Check-in PropertiesPermission to read or write the check-in database properties table
android.permission.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATIONGet Coarse LocationObtain the user's approximate latitude and longitude information through WiFi or mobile base stations, with a positioning accuracy error of about 30 to 1500 meters
android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATIONGet Fine LocationReceive positioning information from the GPS chip, with a positioning accuracy of within 10 meters
android.permission.ACCESS_LOCATION_EXTRA_COMMANDSAccess Location Extra CommandsAllows the program to access additional location provider commands
android.permission.ACCESS_MOCK_LOCATIONGet Mock Location InformationGet mock location information, generally used to help developers debug applications
android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATEGet Network StateGet the network information status, such as whether the current network connection is valid
android.permission.ACCESS_SURFACE_FLINGERAccess Surface FlingerUnderlying graphics display support on the Android platform, generally used for games or camera preview interfaces and screen captures in the underlying mode
android.permission.ACCESS_WIFI_STATEGet WiFi StateGet the current WiFi access status and information about WLAN hotspots
android.permission.ACCOUNT_MANAGERAccount ManagementGet account authentication information, mainly Gmail account information, a permission that can only be accessed by system-level processes
android.permission.AUTHENTICATE_ACCOUNTSAuthenticate AccountsAllows a program to access account management ACCOUNT_MANAGER related information through account authentication
android.permission.BATTERY_STATSBattery StatisticsGet battery power statistics information
android.permission.BIND_APPWIDGETBind App WidgetAllows an application to inform the App Widget service that it needs to access the widget's database, only very few applications use this permission
android.permission.BIND_DEVICE_ADMINBind Device AdminRequest system admin receiver, only usable by the system
android.permission.BIND_INPUT_METHODBind Input MethodRequest Input Method Service, only usable by the system
android.permission.BIND_REMOTEVIEWSBind Remote ViewsMust be requested through the RemoteViews Service, only usable by the system
android.permission.BIND_WALLPAPERBind WallpaperMust be requested through the Wallpaper Service, only usable by the system
android.permission.BLUETOOTHUse BluetoothAllows the program to connect to paired Bluetooth devices
android.permission.BLUETOOTH_ADMINBluetooth AdminAllows the program to discover and pair new Bluetooth devices
android.permission.BRICKTurn into a BrickCan disable the phone, very dangerous, as the name implies, it turns the phone into a brick
android.permission.BROADCAST_PACKAGE_REMOVEDBroadcast on App RemovalTriggers a broadcast when an app is being removed
android.permission.BROADCAST_SMSBroadcast on SMS ReceivedTriggers a broadcast when an SMS is received
android.permission.BROADCAST_STICKYSticky BroadcastAllows an application to receive broadcasts quickly after receiving one
android.permission.BROADCAST_WAP_PUSHWAP PUSH BroadcastTriggers a broadcast after receiving a WAP PUSH service
android.permission.CALL_PHONEMake Phone CallsAllows the program to input phone numbers from a non-system dialer
android.permission.CALL_PRIVILEGEDPrivileged Phone CallsAllows the program to make phone calls, replacing the system's dialer interface
android.permission.CAMERACamera AccessAllows access to the camera for taking photos
android.permission.CHANGE_COMPONENT_ENABLED_STATEChange Component StateChange whether a component is enabled or not
android.permission.CHANGE_CONFIGURATIONChange ConfigurationAllows the current application to change configurations, such as location
android.permission.CHANGE_NETWORK_STATEChange Network StateChange network state such as the ability to connect to the internet
android.permission.CHANGE_WIFI_MULTICAST_STATEChange WiFi Multicast StateChange the state of WiFi multicast
android.permission.CHANGE_WIFI_STATEChange WiFi StateChange the state of WiFi
android.permission.CLEAR_APP_CACHEClear App CacheClear the cache of the application
android.permission.CLEAR_APP_USER_DATAClear User DataClear the user data of the application
android.permission.CWJ_GROUPUnderlying Access PermissionAllows CWJ account group to access underlying information
android.permission.CELL_PHONE_MASTER_EXCell Phone Optimization Master Extended PermissionCell Phone Optimization Master Extended Permission
android.permission.CONTROL_LOCATION_UPDATESControl Location UpdatesAllows obtaining changes in mobile network location information
android.permission.DELETE_CACHE_FILESDelete Cache FilesAllows the application to delete cache files
android.permission.DELETE_PACKAGESDelete ApplicationsAllows the program to delete applications
android.permission.DEVICE_POWERPower ManagementAllows access to underlying power management
android.permission.DIAGNOSTICApplication DiagnosticAllows the program to RW to diagnostic resources
android.permission.DISABLE_KEYGUARDDisable KeyguardAllows the program to disable the keyguard
android.permission.DUMPDump System InformationAllows the program to obtain system dump information from system services
android.permission.EXPAND_STATUS_BARStatusBar ControlAllows the program to expand or contract the status bar
android.permission.FACTORY_TESTFactory Test ModeAllows the program to run in factory test mode
android.permission.FLASHLIGHTUse FlashlightAllows access to the flashlight
android.permission.FORCE_BACKForce BackAllows the program to force the use of the back button, regardless of whether the Activity is at the top
android.permission.GET_ACCOUNTSAccess Gmail Account ListAccess the Gmail account list
android.permission.GET_PACKAGE_SIZEGet Application SizeGet the file size of the application
android.permission.GET_TASKSGet Task InformationAllows the program to get information about currently or recently running applications
android.permission.GLOBAL_SEARCHAllow Global SearchAllows the program to use the global search feature
android.permission.HARDWARE_TESTHardware TestAccess hardware auxiliary devices for hardware testing
android.permission.INJECT_EVENTSInject EventsAllows access to the underlying events of this program, obtaining key and trackball event streams
android.permission.INSTALL_LOCATION_PROVIDERInstall Location ProviderInstall Location Provider
android.permission.INSTALL_PACKAGESInstall ApplicationsAllows the program to install applications
android.permission.INTERNAL_SYSTEM_WINDOWInternal System WindowAllows the program to open internal windows, this permission is not open to third-party applications
android.permission.INTERNETAccess the InternetAccess network connections, may generate GPRS traffic
android.permission.KILL_BACKGROUND_PROCESSESEnd Background ProcessesAllows the program to call the method killBackgroundProcesses(String) to end background processes
android.permission.MANAGE_ACCOUNTSManage AccountsAllows the program to manage the account list in AccountManager
android.permission.MANAGE_APP_TOKENSManage App TokensManage the creation, destruction, and z-order of application tokens, used only by the system
android.permission.MTWEAK_USERAdvanced PermissionAllows mTweak users to access advanced system permissions
android.permission.MTWEAK_FORUMForum PermissionAllows the use of mTweak forum permissions
android.permission.MASTER_CLEARSoft ResetAllows the program to perform a soft reset, deleting system configuration information
android.permission.MODIFY_AUDIO_SETTINGSModify Audio SettingsModify audio settings information
android.permission.MODIFY_PHONE_STATEModify Phone StateModify phone state, such as airplane mode, but does not include replacing the system dialer interface
android.permission.MOUNT_FORMAT_FILESYSTEMSFormat File SystemFormat removable file systems, such as formatting to clear the SD card
android.permission.MOUNT_UNMOUNT_FILESYSTEMSMount and Unmount File SystemsMount and unmount external file systems
android.permission.NFCAllow NFC CommunicationAllows the program to perform NFC near-field communication operations, used for mobile support
android.permission.PERSISTENT_ACTIVITYPersistent ActivityCreate a persistent activity, this feature is marked to be removed in the future
android.permission.PROCESS_OUTGOING_CALLSProcess Outgoing CallsAllows the program to monitor, modify, or abort outgoing calls
android.permission.READ_CALENDARRead Calendar RemindersAllows the program to read the user's calendar information
android.permission.READ_CONTACTSRead ContactsAllows the application to access contact address book information
android.permission.READ_FRAME_BUFFERScreenshotRead the frame buffer for taking screenshots Bookmarks and HistoryRead browser bookmarks and history
android.permission.READ_INPUT_STATERead Input StateRead the current key's input state, used only by the system
android.permission.READ_LOGSRead System LogsRead the underlying system logs
android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATERead Phone StateAccess phone state
android.permission.READ_SMSRead SMS ContentRead SMS content
android.permission.READ_SYNC_SETTINGSRead Sync SettingsRead sync settings, read Google online sync settings
android.permission.READ_SYNC_STATSRead Sync StatusRead sync status, obtain Google online sync status
android.permission.REBOOTReboot DeviceAllows the program to reboot the device
android.permission.RECEIVE_BOOT_COMPLETEDAuto Start on BootAllows the program to run automatically on boot
android.permission.RECEIVE_MMSReceive MMSReceive MMS
android.permission.RECEIVE_SMSReceive SMSReceive SMS
android.permission.RECEIVE_WAP_PUSHReceive WAP PushReceive WAP PUSH messages
android.permission.RECORD_AUDIORecord AudioRecord audio through the phone or headset microphone
android.permission.REORDER_TASKSReorder System TasksReorder the system's running tasks on the z-axis
android.permission.RESTART_PACKAGESEnd System TasksEnd tasks using the restartPackage(String) method, which will be abandoned in the future
android.permission.SEND_SMSSend SMSSend SMS
android.permission.SET_ACTIVITY_WATCHERSet Activity WatcherSet an activity watcher, typically used for monkey testing Alarm ReminderSet an alarm reminder
android.permission.SET_ALWAYS_FINISHSet Always FinishSet whether the program always exits in the background
android.permission.SET_ANIMATION_SCALESet Animation ScaleSet global animation scale
android.permission.SET_DEBUG_APPSet Debug AppSet a debug app, typically used for development
android.permission.SET_ORIENTATIONSet Screen OrientationSet the screen orientation to landscape or standard mode display, not for general applications
android.permission.SET_PREFERRED_APPLICATIONSSet Application ParametersSet application parameters, no longer working, see the introduction of addPackageToPreferred(String)
android.permission.SET_PROCESS_LIMITSet Process LimitAllows the program to set the limit on the maximum number of processes
android.permission.SET_TIMESet System TimeSet the system time
android.permission.SET_TIME_ZONESet System Time ZoneSet the system time zone
android.permission.SET_WALLPAPERSet WallpaperSet the desktop wallpaper
android.permission.SET_WALLPAPER_HINTSSet Wallpaper HintsSet wallpaper hints
android.permission.SIGNAL_PERSISTENT_PROCESSESSend Persistent Process SignalsSend a persistent process signal
android.permission.STATUS_BARStatus Bar ControlAllows the program to open, close, or disable the status bar
android.permission.SUBSCRIBED_FEEDS_READAccess Subscribed ContentAccess the database of subscribed information
android.permission.SUBSCRIBED_FEEDS_WRITEWrite Subscribed ContentWrite or modify the database of subscribed content
android.permission.SYSTEM_ALERT_WINDOWDisplay System WindowDisplay a system window
android.permission.UPDATE_DEVICE_STATSUpdate Device StatusUpdate Device Status
android.permission.USE_CREDENTIALSUse CredentialsAllows the program to request authentication from AccountManager
android.permission.USE_SIPUse SIP VideoAllows the program to use SIP video services
android.permission.VIBRATEUse VibrationAllows Vibration
android.permission.WAKE_LOCKWake LockAllows the program to keep processes running in the background after the phone's screen is off
android.permission.WRITE_APN_SETTINGSWrite GPRS Access Point SettingsWrite network GPRS access point settings
android.permission.WRITE_CALENDARWrite Calendar RemindersWrite to the calendar, but cannot read
android.permission.WRITE_CONTACTSWrite ContactsWrite to contacts, but cannot read
android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGEWrite to External StorageAllows the program to write to external storage, such as writing files to an SD card
android.permission.WRITE_GSERVICESWrite Google Maps DataAllows the program to write data to Google Map services History and BookmarksWrite to browser history or bookmarks, but cannot read
android.permission.WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGSRead and Write System Sensitive SettingsAllows the program to read and write system security-sensitive settings
android.permission.WRITE_SETTINGSRead and Write System SettingsAllows reading and writing system settings
android.permission.WRITE_SMSWrite SMSAllows writing SMS