Online Personal Income Tax Calculator

This is a very simple and easy-to-use online personal income tax calculator. Users can select the [Income Type] according to their needs and fill in the income amount to achieve one-click calculation to obtain the tax calculation results. It is very simple and convenient, and is provided free of charge to friends in need.

Online Personal Income Tax Calculator Description

1. The scope of income includes: wages and salaries; royalties; income from individual businesses and operations; income from contracting and leasing operations of enterprises and institutions; income from labor remuneration; income from the use of special rights; income from interest, dividends, and bonuses; income from property leasing; accidental income; and other parts determined to be taxable. The calculation method adopts the general regulations, and the calculation results are for reference only.

2. This tax calculator uses the tax-related laws promulgated in 2008 for calculation. After the tax reform in 2011, you can refer to the 2011 version of the tax calculation tool on this site: