Online Personal Income Tax Calculator (2011 Edition)

This is a personal income tax calculator improved based on common online tax calculators. It can calculate various types of taxes such as personal income tax, year-end bonus, labor remuneration, property rental income, and occasional income. It also includes corresponding calculation formulas, tax rate explanations, and simple case descriptions. This tool calculates based on the tax rates announced in 2011 and is provided free of charge for friends who need it.

Personal Income Tax Calculator

Income Type
Pre-tax Salary Yuan
After-tax Salary Yuan
Various Social Insurance Fees Yuan
Tax Threshold Yuan
Year-end Bonus Yuan
Income Amount Yuan
Business Operation Time Month

Personal Income Tax Calculation Result

Deductible Expenses Yuan
Taxable Income Yuan
Average Monthly Yuan
Applicable Tax Rate %
Quick Deduction Yuan
Tax Payable Yuan
Pre-Tax Salary Yuan
Actual Salary Yuan
After-Tax Income Yuan

Personal Income Tax Calculation Formula

Taxable Income = Wage Income - Various Social Insurance Fees - Tax Threshold (3500 Yuan)

Tax Payable = Taxable Income x Tax Rate - Quick Deduction Number

Note: If the calculation is for foreigners (including Hong Kong, Macao, and Taiwan ), the personal tax threshold should be set at 4800 Yuan.

Taxable Income = (Non-tax Income - Tax Threshold - Quick Deduction Number) / (1 - Tax Rate)

Note: The quick deduction and tax rate in the formula correspond to the non-tax bracket in the wage tax rate table.

Tax Payable = Taxable Income × Tax Rate - Quick Deduction Number

Note: The quick deduction and tax rate in the formula correspond to the tax bracket in the wage tax rate table, consistent with the pre-tax wage tax calculation method.

Pre-tax Wage = Taxable Income + Tax Threshold + Various Social Insurance Payments

Taxable Income = Year-end Bonus

Tax Payable = Taxable Income × Applicable Tax Rate - Quick Deduction Number

Taxable Income = Labor Remuneration (Less than 4000 Yuan) - 800 Yuan

Taxable Income = Labor Remuneration (More than 4000 Yuan) × (1 - 20%)

Tax Payable = Taxable Income × Applicable Tax Rate - Quick Deduction Number


1. Labor remuneration of less than 800 Yuan is not subject to personal income tax;

2. Labor remuneration greater than 800 Yuan but not exceeding 4000 Yuan can deduct 800 Yuan of expenses;

3. Labor remuneration exceeding 4000 Yuan can deduct 20% of the labor remuneration income as expenses;

Taxable Income = Annual Income Total - Costs, Expenses, and Losses

Tax Payable = Taxable Income × Applicable Tax Rate - Quick Deduction Number

Taxable Income = Business Income Amount - (Necessary Expenses × Business Time)

Tax Payable = Taxable Income × Applicable Tax Rate - Quick Deduction Number

Note: The "necessary expenses deduction" in the formula is currently stipulated by the personal income tax law as 3500 Yuan, and the business time is calculated in months.

Taxable Income = Royalties (Less than 4000 Yuan) - 800 Yuan

Taxable Income = Royalties (More than 4000 Yuan) × (1 - 20%)

Tax Payable = Taxable Income × 14%

Taxable Income = Royalty Income (not exceeding 4000 yuan) - 800 yuan

Taxable Income = Royalty Income (exceeding 4000 yuan) × (1 - 20%)

Tax Payable = Taxable Income × 20%

Taxable Income = Property Leasing Income (not exceeding 4000 yuan) - 800 yuan

Taxable Income = Property Leasing Income (exceeding 4000 yuan) × (1 - 20%)

Tax Payable = Taxable Income × 20%

Taxable Income = Property Transfer Income - Original Value of Property - Relevant Taxes and Decoration Costs, etc.

Tax Payable = Taxable Income × Tax Rate (20%)

Taxable Income = Income per Occasion

Tax Payable = Taxable Income × Applicable Tax Rate (20%)

Interest, dividends, and bonus income, with the individual's income per occasion as the taxable income, without deducting any expenses, with the payment unit or individual each time they pay interest, dividends, and bonuses, the individual's income obtained as one occasion.

Taxable Income = Occasional Income

Tax Payable = Taxable Income × Tax Rate (20%)

Explanation: Occasional income, with the individual's income per occasion as the taxable income, without deducting any expenses. With each occasion of obtaining this income as one occasion.

Personal Income Tax Calculation Method

The calculation method for collecting personal income tax, the original standard deduction for personal income tax was 2000, the 21st meeting of the 11th National People's Congress standing committee on July 27th, once again reviewed the draft amendment to the Personal Income Tax Law, the draft maintained the first review "wages, salary income deduction standard from 2000 yuan to 3500 yuan", while the first level of personal income tax rate from 5% to 3%. The calculation method using the progressive tax rate is as follows:

Tax Payment = Total Monthly Taxable Income * Tax Rate - Quick Calculation Deduction

Total Monthly Taxable Income = (Gross Salary - Four Golds) - 3500

Gross Salary = Gross Salary - Four Golds - Tax Payment

2023 Personal Income Tax Threshold

Personal income tax is a type of income tax levied on various income obtained by individuals (natural persons). The personal income tax threshold is a tax system established by the state to improve the tax system and better carry out tax reform. On April 20, 2011, the 20th meeting of the 11th National People's Congress standing committee was held, and the personal income tax exemption amount is proposed to be adjusted to 3500 yuan. In mid-June 2011, the survey showed that 48% of netizens demanded to modify the personal income tax threshold. On June 30, 2011, the 21st meeting of the 11th National People's Congress standing committee passed the decision on amending the "Personal Income Tax Law" and it was implemented on September 1, 2011.

Personal Income Tax Tax Rate Table

The editor has painstakingly prepared the latest personal income tax rate table for netizens in 2023, including the personal income tax rate table with a threshold of 3500 yuan, including wage tax rate table, year-end bonus tax rate table, labor service tax rate table, individual business tax rate table, etc., simple and practical tables, making it easier for you to understand the tax rate table.

I. Wages and Salaries

Wages and salaries are subject to a seven-level progressive tax rate, with a tax rate of three percent (3%) to forty-five percent (45%).

Personal Income Tax Rate Table (I)

Level Taxable Income (Including Tax) Taxable Income (Excluding Tax) Tax Rate (%) Quick Calculation Deduction
1 Income not exceeding 1500 yuan Income not exceeding 1455 yuan 3
2 The part from over 1500 yuan to 4,500 yuan The part from over 1455 yuan to 4,155 yuan 10 105
3 The part from over 4,500 yuan to 9,000 yuan The part from over 4,155 yuan to 7,755 yuan 20 555
4 The part from over 9,000 yuan to 35,000 yuan The part from over 7,755 yuan to 27,255 yuan 25 1,005
5 The part from over 35,000 yuan to 55,000 yuan The part from over 27,255 yuan to 41,255 yuan 30 2,755
6 The part from over 55,000 yuan to 80,000 yuan The part from over 41,255 yuan to 57,505 yuan 35 5,505
7 The part over 80,000 yuan The part over 57,505 yuan 45 13,505

Instructions: 1. The taxable income in this table, including tax brackets, refers to the balance after deducting various social insurances (five insurances and one housing fund) and the tax threshold of 3500 yuan (4800 yuan for foreigners) from the monthly income amount.

2. Tax brackets including tax are applicable to wages and salaries paid by the taxpayer; tax brackets excluding tax are applicable to wages and salaries paid by others (units) on behalf of the taxpayer.

Case Description

1. Zhang San's pre-tax salary in January 2023 is 12,000 yuan, and he needs to pay 1,100 yuan for various social insurances. So what is his after-tax salary?

Taxable income = (Gross salary - Four golds) - 3500 = 12000 - 1100 - 3500 = 7400 yuan, referring to the above salary tax rate table excluding tax part, the part from over 4,155 yuan to 7,755 yuan, the applicable tax rate is 20%, and the quick deduction number is 555.

Contribution = Taxable income * tax rate - Quick deduction number = 7400 * 20% - 555 = 925 yuan.

Gross salary = Gross salary - Four golds - Tax = 12000 - 1100 - 925 = 9975 yuan

Introduction to Wages and Salaries Income

I. Scope of Collection

Wages and salaries income refers to the wages, salaries, bonuses, year-end bonuses, labor dividends, allowances, subsidies, and other income related to employment or employment obtained by individuals.

II. Tax Rate

Level Taxable Income (Including Tax) Taxable Income (Excluding Tax) Tax Rate (%) Quick Deduction Number
1 Income not exceeding 1500 yuan Income not exceeding 1455 yuan 3
2 The part from over 1500 yuan to 4,500 yuan The part from over 1455 yuan to 4,155 yuan 10 105
3 The part from over 4,500 yuan to 9,000 yuan The part from over 4,155 yuan to 7,755 yuan 20 555
4 The part exceeding 9,000 yuan to 35,000 yuan The part exceeding 7,755 yuan to 27,255 yuan 25 1,005
5 The part exceeding 35,000 yuan to 55,000 yuan The part exceeding 27,255 yuan to 41,255 yuan 30 2,775
6 The part exceeding 55,000 yuan to 80,000 yuan The part exceeding 41,255 yuan to 57,505 yuan 35 5,505
7 The part exceeding 80,000 yuan The part exceeding 57,505 45 13,505

III. Calculation of Taxable Income and Tax Payable

Taxable Income = Wage Income - Various Social Insurance Fees - Tax Threshold (3500 yuan)

Tax Payable = Taxable Income x Tax Rate - Quick Deduction Number

Case Description

1. Xiao Li received an after-tax salary of 5000 yuan in January 2023, and he paid 400 yuan for various social insurances this month. What is his pre-tax salary?

Taxable Income (excluding tax) = 5000 - 3500 = 1500 yuan. Referring to the above salary tax rate table excluding tax, the part exceeding 4,155 yuan to 7,755 yuan, the applicable tax rate is 10%, and the quick deduction number is 105.

Taxable Income = (Tax-free income amount - Tax threshold - Quick deduction number) / (1 - Tax rate) = (5000 - 3500 - 105) / (1 - 10%) = 155 yuan.

The taxable income is 155 yuan. Referring to the above salary tax rate table including tax, the part exceeding 1500 yuan to 4,500 yuan, the applicable tax rate is 10%, and the quick deduction number is 105.

Tax Payable = Taxable Income × Tax Rate - Quick Deduction Number = 155 × 10% - 105 = 50 yuan.

Pre-tax salary = Taxable Income + Tax threshold + Various social insurance fees = 155 + 3500 + 400 = 5450 yuan.

Year-end Bonus Personal Income Tax Case Description

I. Collection Scope

According to the provisions of the "Notice of the State Administration of Taxation on Adjusting the Method of Calculating and Collecting Personal Income Tax on One-time Annual Bonuses and Other Matters" (Guo Shui Fa [2005] No. 9), taxpayers who receive a one-time annual bonus, calculate and pay taxes separately as a monthly salary and wages, and are deducted and withheld by the withholding obligor when issued.

II. Tax Rate

The year-end bonus income, divide the year-end bonus amount by 12 months, and determine the tax rate and quick deduction number based on the average monthly income amount. The year-end bonus income tax rate table is the same as the salary and wage income tax rate table, but their calculation methods are different.

Grade Average Monthly Income Tax Rate (%) Quick Deduction Number
1 Not exceeding 1500 yuan 3
2 The part exceeding 1500 yuan to 4,500 yuan 10 105
3 The part exceeding 4,500 yuan to 9,000 yuan 20 555
4 The part exceeding 9,000 yuan to 35,000 yuan 25 1,005
5 The part exceeding 35,000 yuan to 55,000 yuan 30 2,755
6 The part exceeding 55,000 yuan to 80,000 yuan 35 5,505
7 The part exceeding 80,000 yuan 45 13,505

Explanation: 1. The average monthly income in this table is the average value after dividing the year-end bonus income amount by 12 months.

2. The tax rate table is the same as the salary and wage income tax rate table.

III. Calculation of Taxable Income and Tax Payable

(I) First, divide the one-time annual bonus obtained by the employee in the current month by 12 months, and determine the applicable tax rate and quick deduction number according to the quotient.

If the employee's monthly salary and wages obtained in the month of issuing the one-time annual bonus are lower than the expense deduction amount stipulated by tax law, the one-time annual bonus should be reduced by the "difference between the employee's monthly salary and wages and the expense deduction amount", and then the balance should be used to determine the applicable tax rate and quick deduction number for the one-time annual bonus.

(II) Calculate and levy taxes on the one-time annual bonus obtained by the employee in the current month according to the above-determined applicable tax rate and quick deduction number, and the calculation formula is as follows:

1. If the employee's monthly salary and wages are higher than (or equal to) the expense deduction amount stipulated by tax law, the applicable formula is:

Tax Payable = Employee's one-time annual bonus in the current month × Applicable tax rate - Quick deduction number

2. If the employee's monthly salary and wages are lower than the expense deduction amount stipulated by tax law, the applicable formula is:

Tax Payable = (Employee's one-time annual bonus in the current month - The difference between the employee's monthly salary and wages and the expense deduction amount) × Applicable tax rate - Quick deduction number

Within a tax year, this tax calculation method is only allowed to be used once for each taxpayer.

Year-end bonus tax case explanation

1. Zhang San's salary in January 2023 is 4000 yuan, the year-end bonus for the year 2023 is 12000 yuan, and the various social insurance fees to be paid in the month is 400 yuan. So how much personal income tax should Zhang San pay in January?

Taxable income from salary = 4000 - 400 - 3500 = 100 yuan.

Personal income tax on salary = 100 × 3% - = 3 yuan.

The year-end bonus of 12000 yuan, divided by 12, is an average of 1000 yuan per month. According to the above year-end bonus tax rate table, the tax rate is 3%, and the quick deduction number is , so the personal income tax to be paid is:

Tax payable on year-end bonus = 12000 × 3% - = 360 yuan.

2. Li Si's salary in January 2023 is 4000 yuan, the year-end bonus for the year 2023 is 36000 yuan, and the various social insurance fees to be paid in the month is 700 yuan. So how much personal income tax should Li Si pay in January?

Taxable income from salary = 4000 - 700 - 3500 = -200 yuan, less than .

Taxable income from year-end bonus = 36000 - 200 = 35800 yuan.

Average monthly income = 35800 / 12 = 2983, applicable tax rate is 10%, quick deduction number is 105.

Tax payable on year-end bonus = 35800 × 10% - 105 = 3475 yuan.

Introduction to year-end bonus income (annual one-time bonus)

Personal income tax calculator 2023, year-end bonus, annual one-time bonus income personal income tax calculator, the year-end bonus tax rate table is the same as the salary tax rate table, but the calculation method is different, which is the most professional and best personal income tax calculator.

Introduction to labor remuneration income

I. Collection scope

Income from labor remuneration refers to the income obtained by an individual from engaging in design, decoration, installation, drafting, testing, medical, legal, accounting, consulting, lecturing, news, broadcasting, translation, review, calligraphy, sculpture, film, recording, performance, advertising, exhibition, technical services, introduction services, brokerage services, agency services, and other labor services.

II. Tax rate

Level Tax-inclusive range Tax-exempt range Tax rate (%) Quick deduction number
1 No more than 20,000 yuan No more than 16,000 yuan 20
2 The part exceeding 20,000 yuan to 50,000 yuan The part exceeding 16,000 yuan to 37,000 yuan 30 2,000
3 The part exceeding 50,000 yuan The part exceeding 37,000 yuan 4 7,000

Note: 1. The tax-inclusive range and tax-exempt range in the table are all the income after deducting the relevant expenses according to the tax law.

2. The tax-inclusive range applies to the labor remuneration income where the taxpayer bears the tax; the tax-exempt range applies to the labor remuneration income where the tax is paid by others (units).

III. Calculation of taxable income and tax payable

The income from labor remuneration is calculated and taxed each time, and if the income each time does not exceed 4000 yuan, deduct 800 yuan of expenses, and if the income exceeds 4000 yuan, deduct 20% of the expenses, the balance is the taxable income.

Tax payable = Taxable income × Applicable tax rate - Quick deduction number

IV. Additional collection

The income from labor remuneration is subject to a proportional tax rate, and the tax rate is 20%. For the income from labor remuneration that is extremely high at one time, an additional collection is implemented, that is: the part of the taxable income exceeding 20,000 yuan to 50,000 yuan, an additional 50% is levied (i.e., the tax rate is 30%), and the part exceeding 50,000 yuan is levied an additional 100% (i.e., the tax rate is 4%).

Case explanation

1. Xiao Li received 6000 yuan for providing technical support to an electronics company in 2023. The amount of labor remuneration income exceeds 4000 yuan. How much personal income tax should be paid?

Taxable income = Labor remuneration (exceeding 4000 yuan) × (1 - 20%) = 6000 × (1 - 20%) = 4800 yuan. The taxable income of 4800 yuan does not exceed 20,000 yuan and is at the first level of the labor tax rate table, with an applicable tax rate of 20%, and the quick deduction number is yuan. The tax payable = Taxable income × Applicable tax rate - Quick deduction number = 4800 × 20% - = 960 yuan.

Personal income tax rate table

I. Collection scope

Income from the production and operation of individual industrial and commercial households refers to:

(1) The income obtained by individual industrial and commercial households from engaging in industry, handicrafts, construction, transportation, commerce, catering, service, repair and other industries for production and operation;

(2) The income obtained by individuals who have been approved by the relevant departments and obtained a license to engage in running schools, medical treatment, consulting and other paid service activities;

(3) The income obtained by other individuals from engaging in the production and operation of individual industrial and commercial households;

(4) The various taxable incomes related to production and operation obtained by the above-mentioned individual industrial and commercial households and individuals.

II. Tax rate

Level Tax-inclusive range Tax-exempt range Tax rate (%) Quick deduction number
1 Not exceeding 15,000 yuan Not exceeding 14,250 yuan 5
2 Exceeding 15,000 yuan to 30,000 yuan Exceeding 14,250 yuan to 27,750 yuan 10 750
3 Exceeding 30,000 yuan to 60,000 yuan Exceeding 27,750 yuan to 51,750 yuan 20 3,750
4 Exceeding 60,000 yuan to 100,000 yuan Exceeding 51,750 yuan to 79,750 yuan 30 9,750
5 Exceeding 100,000 yuan Exceeding 79,750 yuan 35 14,750

【Explanation 1】The tax-inclusive and non-tax-inclusive thresholds listed in this table are all calculated according to the tax law by deducting costs, expenses, and losses from the total income of each tax year.

【Explanation 2】The tax-inclusive threshold is applicable to the production and operation income of individual businesses and the income from the operation and lease operation of enterprises and institutions that the taxpayer bears the tax; the non-tax-inclusive threshold is applicable to the income from the operation and lease operation of enterprises and institutions that others (units) pay the tax on behalf of.

【Explanation 3】If an investor establishes two or more enterprises (including participating in the establishment), at the end of the year, the taxable income obtained from all enterprises should be summarized, and the applicable tax rate should be determined to calculate and pay personal income tax.

III. Calculation of Taxable Income and Tax Payable

Taxable Income = Total income of each tax year - Costs, expenses, and losses

Tax Payable = Taxable Income × Applicable tax rate - Quick deduction number

The above tax calculation method is applicable to individual businesses under the account inspection collection method and is not applicable to individual businesses under the fixed collection method.

Case Description

A sole proprietorship's taxable income for the year 2023 is 181,400 yuan, and the personal income tax payable by its investor is 181,400 × 35% - 14,750 = 48,740 (yuan).

Introduction to the Income from the Operation and Lease Operation of Enterprises and Institutions

I. Collection Scope

The Chinese characters in the provided text are translated into English as follows, with the rest of the text remaining unchanged: For the income from **contractual management and lease management** of enterprises and institutions, it refers to the income obtained by individuals through **contractual management, lease management**, subcontracting, and subletting, including the income of wages and salaries obtained by individuals on a monthly or per-time basis.

(1) The income from the **contractual management and lease management** of enterprises and institutions must be the income that the contractor or lessee has the right to the operating results of the enterprises and institutions. The contractor or lessee, according to the provisions of the contract (agreement), only pays a certain fee to the contracting or leasing party, and the operating results belong to their income.

(2) If the contractor or lessee does not have ownership of the enterprise's operating results and only obtains a certain income according to the provisions of the contract (agreement), their income is taxed under the category of wages and salaries.

(3) After the enterprise implements individual **contractual management and lease management**, if the industrial and commercial registration is changed to an individual business, it should be planned to pay personal income tax according to the category of production and business income of individual businesses.

(4) The income from **contractual management and lease management** includes the income of wages and salaries obtained by individuals on a monthly or per-time basis.

II. Tax Rate

Enterprises and Institutions **Contractual Management and Lease Management** Income Tax

Level Annual Taxable Income Tax Rate (%) Quick Deduction
1 Not exceeding 5,000 yuan 5
2 Exceeding 5,000 yuan to 10,000 yuan 10 250
3 Exceeding 10,000 yuan to 30,000 yuan 20 1,250
4 Exceeding 30,000 yuan to 50,000 yuan 30 4,250
5 Exceeding 50,000 yuan 35 6,750

III. Calculation of Taxable Income and Tax Payable

(1) Taxable Income

The income from **contractual management and lease management** of enterprises and institutions is the balance after deducting necessary expenses from the total income of each tax year, which is the taxable income. The total income refers to the business profits and income of wages and salaries that the taxpayer receives according to the **contractual management and lease management** contract. If the individual's **contractual management and lease management** income includes both the nature of wages and salaries and production and business, but considering that the individual receives business profits according to the **contractual management and lease management** contract, the production and business costs involved, the deduction of "necessary expenses" stipulated by the personal income tax law is to deduct 3500 yuan per month, which actually deducts the equivalent of an individual's livelihood and other expenses. The calculation formula is:

Taxable Income = Total income of individual **contractual management and lease management** - 3500 yuan per month

During the period of lease and **contractual management**, according to the relevant provisions of the enterprise income tax, "if the name of the leased enterprise is not changed after the lease management, the industrial and commercial registration is not changed, and the business still carries out production and business activities in the name of the leased enterprise, regardless of how the leased enterprise and the lessee distribute the operating results, the leased enterprise is the taxpayer." That is, after paying the enterprise income tax according to the relevant provisions of the enterprise income tax, then calculate and pay the personal income tax according to the regulations of individual **contractual management and lease management** income.

(2) Method of calculating the tax payable

The income from contractual management and lease management excess of enterprises and institutions is subject to a five-level progressive tax rate, and the tax payable is calculated based on the applicable tax rate of the taxable income. The calculation formula is:

Tax payable = Taxable income × Applicable tax rate - Quick deduction number

Example: Xiao Li contracted a certain store in 2023, with a contract period of 1 year, and obtained an operating income of 4,000 yuan. In addition, Zhang also receives a salary from the store every month, 3,000 yuan per month. Calculate the personal income tax that Zhang should pay for the whole year.


(1) Annual taxable income = (4,000 + 12 × 3,000) - 12 × 3,500 = 34,000 (yuan)

(2) Annual personal income tax payable = 34,000 × 30% - 4,250 = 5,950 (yuan)

Taxpayers who implement contracting or leasing operations should calculate their taxes based on the income from contracting or leasing operations for each tax year. If taxpayers obtain income from contracting or leasing operations several times within a year, they should prepay taxes each time they obtain income from contracting or leasing operations, and settle accounts at the end of the year, with excess refunds and insufficient supplements. If the taxpayer's contracting or leasing period is within a tax year and the operation is less than 12 months, the actual contracting or leasing period should be used as a tax year for tax calculation. The calculation formula is:

Taxable income = The annual contracting or leasing income - (3,500 × the actual number of months of contracting or leasing in the year)

Tax payable = Taxable income × Applicable tax rate - Quick deduction number

Example: Xiao Li started contracting a unit's storefront from May 1, 2023, and after a five-month operating period, obtained a total operating income of 200,000 yuan, and the total amount of expenses related to the operating income allowed to be deducted is 100,000 yuan. Calculate the personal income tax payable for the individual's contracting income.


(1) Contracting income = 200,000 - 100,000 = 100,000 (yuan)

(2) Contracting taxable income = 100,000 - 3,500 x 5 = 82,500 (yuan)

(3) Personal income tax payable for contracting income = 82,500 x 35% - 6,750 = 22,125 (yuan)

Case Description

1. Xiao Li, in 2023, contracted a hospital store, operated for 12 months, and obtained a total operating income of 200,000 yuan at the end of the year, with various operating-related cost and expense expenditures of 100,000 yuan.

Income amount = Operating total - Various cost and expense expenditures = 200,000 - 100,000 = 100,000

Taxable income = Income amount - (Deductible necessary expenses × Operating time) = 100,000 - (3,500 × 12) = 58,000 yuan

Tax payable = 58,000 x 35% - 6,750 = 13,550 yuan

Introduction to Royalties Income

I. Scope of Collection

Royalties income refers to the income obtained by an individual for the publication or publication of their literary (or photographic, calligraphic, and other) works in the form of books, newspapers, etc. It includes income from royalties and reprints. After the author's death, the person who obtains the royalties for their posthumous works is still subject to personal income tax on royalties income. The "works" mentioned here refer to works that can be published or published in the form of books, newspapers, including text, images, music scores, etc.

II. Tax Rate

Royalties income is subject to a proportional tax rate of 20%, and the tax payable is reduced by 30%, so the actual tax rate is 14%.

III. Calculation of Taxable Income and Tax Payable

Royalties income is calculated based on the balance after deducting a fixed amount or rate of expenses from the income obtained by an individual each time. If the income each time does not exceed 4,000 yuan, deduct 800 yuan of expenses; if it exceeds 4,000 yuan, deduct 20% of the expenses, and the balance is the taxable income.

1. If the income each time does not exceed 4,000 yuan

Tax payable = Taxable income × Applicable tax rate

Or Tax payable = (Income each time - 800) × 20%

Actual tax payable = Tax payable × (1 - 30%)

2. If the income each time exceeds 4,000 yuan

Tax payable = Taxable income × Applicable tax rate

Or Tax payable = Income each time × (1 - 20%) × 20%

Actual tax payable = Tax payable × (1 - 30%)

Case Description of Royalties Income

1. In 2023, novelist Yang Bao wrote and published the book "Personal Income Tax in One Volume", and the publisher paid a manuscript fee of 20,000 yuan. How much personal income tax should Zhang San pay?

Tax payable for individuals = 20,000 × (1 - 20%) × 14% = 2,240 yuan

Introduction to Income from Royalties for the Use of Copyrights

I. Scope of Collection

Royalty income refers to the income obtained by an individual from providing the right to use patents, trademarks, copyrights, non-patent technology, and other franchises; among them, the income obtained from providing the right to use copyrights does not include income from remuneration for manuscripts. The income obtained by an author from publicly auctioning (bidding) the original manuscript or a copy of his literary work should be levied personal income tax under the category of royalty income. Screenplay authors obtain script usage fees from film and television production units, without distinguishing whether the user of the script is their employer, and are uniformly levied personal income tax under the category of royalty income. Income obtained by non-unit personnel in cooperation with news and publishing unit personnel for topics or academic papers that have not been published but have been obtained from the cooperative unit, as well as personal income from patent compensation, etc., should be levied personal income tax under the category of royalty income. II. Tax Rate Royalty income is subject to a proportional tax rate of 20%. III. Calculation of Taxable Income and Tax Payable Royalty income is based on the income obtained from the transfer of the right to use or ownership as one time. The balance after deducting the prescribed expenses from the income obtained by an individual each time is the taxable income. If the income each time does not exceed 4,000 yuan, deduct 800 yuan of expenses; if it is more than 4,000 yuan, deduct 20% of the expenses, and the balance is the taxable income. 1. If the income each time does not exceed 4,000 yuan Tax payable = Taxable income × Applicable tax rate Or Tax payable = (Income each time - 800 yuan) × 20% 2. If the income each time exceeds 4,000 yuan Tax payable = Taxable income × Applicable tax rate Or Tax payable = Taxable income × (1 - 20%) × 20%

IV. Regarding the Determination of "Times"

Income from royalties is considered one time for each permit of a special right. If the income from this transfer is paid in installments, all installments should be added together as one time, that is, the combined income is subject to personal income tax.

Case Description

1. In 2023, Xiao Li transferred a patent he invented to a company and obtained an income of 200,000 yuan. At the time of the transaction, he paid a total of 20,000 yuan in related taxes and fees, and was able to provide valid legal vouchers. How much personal income tax does Zhang San need to pay?

Personal Income Tax Payable = (200,000 - 20,000) × (1 - 20%) × 20% = 28,800 yuan.

Tax Rate Table

Income from property leasing is subject to a 20% proportional tax rate

Preferential Policy: For personal income from property leasing of residential housing at market prices, personal income tax is temporarily levied at a rate of 10% from January 1, 2001.

Property Leasing Case Description

1. In January 2023, Xiao Li rented out his housing, with a monthly rent of 3,200 yuan. How much personal income tax should he pay?

Xiao Li's house rental falls within the scope of income from property leasing as stipulated by the personal income tax law and is subject to personal income tax. Since the monthly rent of 3,200 yuan does not exceed 4,000 yuan, the taxable income = 3,200 - 800 = 2,400 yuan. The tax rate for property leasing is 20%, but from January 1, 2001, the income obtained from renting residential housing at market prices by individuals is subject to personal income tax at a rate of 10%, so the tax payable = 2,400 × 10% = 240 yuan.

Introduction to Income from Property Transfer

I. Scope of Collection

Income from property transfer refers to the income obtained by an individual from the transfer of securities, equity, buildings, land use rights, machinery, equipment, vehicles, ships, and other properties. Currently, except for the income from stock transfers, which are temporarily not subject to personal income tax, other property transfer incomes obtained by individuals are subject to personal income tax.

II. Tax Rate

Income from property transfer is subject to a 20% proportional tax rate

III. Calculation of Taxable Income and Tax Payable

Tax Payable = Taxable Income × Applicable Tax Rate = (Property Transfer Income - Original Value of Property - Relevant Taxes Paid as per Regulations) × 20%

Property Transfer Case Description

1. In 2023, Zhang San sold his second-hand house, which cost 500,000 yuan when newly purchased, with various taxes of 20,000 yuan paid, and he spent another 80,000 yuan on renovation. Now the transaction price of the house is 1.1 million yuan. How much personal income tax should be paid?

According to China's personal income tax law, the income from the transaction of the second-hand house belongs to the scope of income from property transfer and is subject to personal income tax. The taxable income = property transfer income amount - original value of property - related taxes and renovation fees, etc. = 1.1 million - 500,000 - (20,000 + 80,000) = 500,000, and the tax payable = taxable income × tax rate (20%) = 500,000 × 20% = 100,000.

Introduction to Interest, Dividends, and Bonus Income

I. Scope of Collection

Interest, dividends, and bonus income refers to the income obtained by an individual from having a creditor's right or equity, such as interest, dividends, and bonuses.

Interest refers to the income obtained by an individual from having a creditor's right, including deposit interest, loan interest, and various bond interests. According to tax regulations, individuals are exempt from personal income tax for purchasing national treasury bonds and financial bonds issued by the state, and the income from personal savings interest is temporarily exempt from personal income tax.

Dividends and bonuses refer to the dividends and bonuses obtained by an individual from having equity. The interest paid for each share according to a certain ratio is called a dividend; the profits that a company or enterprise should distribute, distributed according to shares, are called a bonus. Except for other provisions, interest, dividends, and bonus income should all be subject to personal income tax.

II. Tax Rate

Interest, dividends, and bonus income are subject to a 20% proportional tax rate.

III. Calculation of Taxable Income and Tax Payable

Interest, dividends, and bonus income are based on the individual's income amount for each payment, without deducting any expenses.

Tax Payable = Taxable Income × Applicable Tax Rate = Income Amount per Payment × 20%

IV. Determination of "Times"

Interest, dividends, and bonus income are determined as one time for each payment of interest, dividends, or bonuses made by the payer or individual.

Introduction to Windfall Income (e.g., lottery wins, prizes)

I. Scope of Collection

Windfall income refers to income from personal awards, lottery wins, and other windfall gains. One-time reward income obtained by individuals from provincial-level people's governments and their affiliated departments for outstanding contributions in various industries (regardless of the source of the bonus) also falls within the scope of windfall income taxation.

II. Tax Rate

Windfall income is subject to a proportional tax rate of 20%.

III. Calculation of Taxable Income and Tax Payable

Windfall income is based on the income received by the individual each time as the taxable income, without deducting any expenses. Each time the income is received, it is considered a single instance.

Tax payable = Taxable income × Applicable tax rate = Income per time × 20%

IV. Example

Question: Chinese citizen Zhang San won a prize in December 2023, obtaining a windfall income of 20,000 yuan. How much personal income tax should the paying unit withhold and pay on behalf of the individual?

Analysis: For the distribution of windfall income, the unit should withhold and pay the following personal income tax on behalf of the individual:

Withheld personal income tax = 20,000 × 20% = 4,000 (yuan)

Example Explanation

1. Xiao Li won a lottery on January 3, 2023, and received a prize of 200,000 yuan. How much personal income tax should be paid?

According to the personal income tax law, this income is considered windfall income and is subject to personal income tax. It is subject to a 20% tax rate and does not deduct any expenses. The tax payable = 200,000 × 20% = 4,000. Based on this, the unit issuing the bonus should withhold and pay personal income tax of 4,000 yuan on behalf of the individual, and Xiao Li can finally receive a bonus of 160,000 yuan.