Online Mathematical Expression Simplification/Calculation Tool

This is a practical tool website based on the open source code JavaScript Mathematical Expression Evaluator, which can perform simple calculations of mathematical expressions. Users can enter the mathematical expressions they want to calculate in the expression input box to achieve one-click conversion and calculation of the expression result. At the same time, this tool also supports the replacement and calculation of input variables. It is provided for free to friends who need it for reference and use.

Mathematical Expression Calculation:
Formula Decomposition:
Calculation Result:
Mathematical Expression Parameter Settings:
Variable Name:
Variable Value:

Online Mathematical Expression Calculator Instructions

1. This tool supports the calculation of common mathematical expressions, including addition (+), subtraction (-), multiplication (*), division (/), modulo (%), exponentiation (^), logarithm (log), maximum value (max), minimum value (min), and other operations. For example, the expression: 5*log(1000)-2/3+min(4,6%7)
2. In the arithmetic expression, you can also add parameters and add the corresponding parameters in the variable settings below, such as: 2*R*PI, and then set R to 2, PI to 3.14, to calculate the result with one click
3. Due to the limited level of the editor and the tight schedule, there may be deficiencies and errors in the translation and modification of the open source code, and corrections and suggestions from experts are welcome!