Online Pinyin Input Method

This is an online Pinyin input method tool, used to solve some temporary input method applications. Supports the input of some phrases.

English (Ctrl)   Full-width Characters (F12)   Auto-completion  PageUp/PageDown for paging
Instructions for Use:
This is an online Pinyin input method tool, used to solve some temporary input method applications. Keep the computer's native input in English, open this page and type directly according to the full Pinyin typing mode. Supports the input of some phrases.
  • Pinyin Input Mode: Full Pinyin
  • Support for Phrases: Supported
  • English (Ctrl) Option Function: Switch between full Pinyin input and English input, which can be operated with the shortcut key Ctrl.
  • Full-width Characters (F12) Option Function: Switch between half-width and full-width characters, which can be operated with the shortcut key F12.
  • Auto-completion: If selected, words without homophones will be automatically displayed. If not selected, press the space bar to display.
  • Paging PageUp/PageDown : When the number of words in the suggestion box exceeds 10 sets, use the page up and down keys to flip pages, or use the - and + keys to flip pages.