Online Wubi Input Method

This tool enables the functionality to enter English letters and display the corresponding Chinese characters using the Wubi input method, but it cannot output phrases.

This is an online Wubi input method tool designed for temporary input method applications. It does not support phrase input.
  • ① Wubi encoding version: Version 86
  • ② Phrase support: Not supported
Please keep your computer's input method in English mode and simply type using Wubi encoding after opening this page.
Wubi input method is a Chinese character input method that encodes characters based solely on their shapes. It was invented by Wang Yongmin. In the Wubi input method, Chinese characters are decomposed into separate parts called radicals. The radicals are arranged on the keyboard according to five zones: horizontal, vertical, leftward stroke, rightward stroke, and folding stroke. Hence, it is called "Wubi" (five strokes). There are two versions of Wubi input method: Version 86 and Version 98. This online input method is Version 86.