Car Buying Calculator

Online car purchase cost calculation, can calculate the various insurances involved in buying a car, taxes, and total purchase costs

Full Payment Car BuyingLoan Car Buying

Vehicle Summary
Cash Purchase PriceYuan
Total Displacement of Engine CylindersBelow 1L 1-1.6L(Including 1.6L) Above 1.6L
Number of Seats Below 5 Seats 6-9 Seats
Whether it is an Imported CarYes No
Loan Fees (Down Payment):25298Yuan
Down Payment Amount The down payment amount cannot be less than 20% of the cash purchase price, and it cannot be higher than the cash purchase price
Loan Amount The maximum loan amount is 80% of the cash purchase price
Loan Term 36Issue
Annual Interest Rate of Loan%
Repayment Method Equal Principal and Interest Equal Principal
First Monthly Payment Yuan
Credit Insurance Fee Yuan
Loan Contract Notarization Fee
Vehicle Mortgage Fee
Basic Taxes:7127Yuan
Vehicle Purchase TaxYuan
Vehicle and Vessel Use TaxYuan/Year
Motor Vehicle License Plate Fee (Including Photography Fee)Yuan
Vehicle Inspection FeeYuan
Automobile Insurance Fee:6068Yuan
  • Full Coverage

Compulsory Insurance Total950Yuan

Traffic Accident Liability Compulsory Insurance (Compulsory Insurance) Insurance Fee: Yuan/Year

Main Commercial Auto Insurance:3740Yuan4Main Insurances

Comp Limit:
Third-Party Liability Insurance (Third-party Insurance) Ten Thousand Yuan
Insurance Fee: Yuan/Year
Vehicle Loss Insurance (Car Damage Insurance) Insurance Fee: Yuan/Year
Passenger Liability Insurance (Seat Insurance) Number of Insured Persons: People
Insurance Fee: Yuan/Year
Whole Vehicle Theft and Riot Insurance Insurance Fee: Yuan/Year

Additional Commercial Auto Insurance:1378Yuan4Additional Insurances

Uninsured Motorist Coverage Insurance Fee: Yuan/Year
Glass Breakage Insurance Insurance Fee: Yuan/Year
Body Scratch Insurance Compensation Limit: Yuan
Insurance Fee: Yuan/Year
Spontaneous Combustion Loss Insurance Insurance Fee: Yuan/Year
Other Insurance Insurance Fee: Yuan/Year
Other Optional Expenditure:0Yuan
Tray (License Plate Frame)Triangle Warning SignVehicle Identification Number FeeTemporary License Plate FeeOther Costs (Estimate According to Actual Situation)
Fire ExtinguisherYuan

Calculation Result
Basic Taxes: Yuan Insurance Fees: Yuan
Other Costs: Yuan Total支出for Full Payment Car Purchase: Yuan
Basic Taxes: Yuan Insurance Fees: Yuan
Other Costs: Yuan Down Payment Amount: Yuan
First Monthly Payment: Yuan Loan Fees: Yuan
Total Interest: Yuan Total Initial Expenditure for Loan Car Purchase: Yuan