C Language Style/HTML/CSS/JSON Code Formatting and Beautification Tool

This is a translation from a national ** station, which is a tool that can format and beautify C language, HTML, CSS, and JSON code. Users can easily format the code by selecting the corresponding code type. The tool also has a formatting progress bar at the bottom, which is very user-friendly. Welcome to use it, friends in need.

Select Code Style Type:

Code Input:
Code Output:

Tool Description

This tool is a translation and improvement from the national ** station's masters-tool Practical Tool Network, which can achieve the function of formatting program code. The style it generates is exactly the style I personally prefer, and I hope it will also be liked by everyone!

This tool currently supports CSS, HTML, and C-style code; the latter is any code that uses curly braces {} to start and end code blocks, and uses semicolons to terminate statements. JavaScript and PHP belong to the latter. Therefore, JavaScript and PHP code formatting can be performed under the C-style code mode (for the case of JavaScript code, formatting can only be performed when you follow the standard syntax format and add a semicolon at the end of the sentence, even if the semicolon seems dispensable).

If you enter invalid or incorrect code, the output is likely to be wrong as well. For the situation of outputting garbage code, do not blame our tool for not being powerful ~O(∩_∩)O~