Online Calorie Consumption/Calorie Calculator

This is an online tool for calculating calorie consumption, which can calculate the calories burned based on personal weight, type of exercise, and exercise time, as well as one-click calculation of the basal metabolic rate. It also includes explanations of common exercise calorie consumption and food calories. It is available for interested friends to query and test.

Calorie Calculation, Calorie Calculator, Calorie Consumption Calculation

 Weight (jin)
 Duration (minutes)
  Activity Type


 Calories Burned Calories

1 Calorie equals 4.18 Joules


Negative Calorie Foods

  Vegetables: Asparagus, Broccoli, Chinese Cabbage, Radish, Celery, Cucumber, Onion, Tomato
  Fruits: Apple, Grape, Lemon, Mango, Orange, Pineapple, Strawberry, Almond, Banana, Cherry, Raspberry, Grapefruit, Guava, Kiwi, Litchi, Papaya, Strawberry, etc.
  Nut class: Brazil nut, Chestnut, Coconut, Macadamia, Peanut, Pine nut, Walnut, etc.

Baidu Baike:

Basal Metabolic Calculation

(In simple terms, the Basal Metabolic Rate refers to the minimum number of calories a person needs to maintain life in a static state)
Gender:Male Female
Activity Level:
Weight: Kilograms
Your Basal Metabolic Rate is:Calories
Daily Required Calories: Calories


Exercise Calorie Consumption Ranking

Low Calorie Main Dishes

  Handball, general

  Kickboxing, Karate, Boxing, Taekwondo

  Swimming, freestyle, fast, powerful

  Soccer, competitive

  Basketball, game

  Skipping rope, moderate, general

  Cycling, 12.13.9 miles per hour, moderate effort

  Walking, climbing stairs

  Running 8 kilometers (10 minutes per kilometer)

  Skiing, cross-country, moderate effort

  Swimming, freestyle, light/moderate effort

  Tennis, general

  Ice skating, ice, general

  Jogging, general

  Rowing, steady

  Dancing, aerobic, ballet or modern dance

  Aerobics, general

  Walking, 5.6 kilometers, uphill


  Softball, or fast or slow interval exercise

  Cycling, stationary, general

  Aerobics, home, light/moderate effort

  Dancing, general

  Cycling, 10 miles per hour, leisurely

  Walking, 6.4 kilometers, very brisk pace

  Fishing, general

  Golf, general

  Rowing, general

  Cleaning, general

  4.8 kilometers, steady pace, walking the dog

  Weightlifting, light or moderate equipment

  Walking, 3.2 kilometers, slow pace


Common Food Calorie Chart

Food Calorie Chart Index

Cereal and legume food calories Vegetable food calories Fruit food calories Meat food calories
Egg food calories Aquatic food calories Dairy food calories Fat food calories
Pastry snack food calories Sugar food calories Beverage food calories Fungus and algae food calories
Other food calories      

  Cereal and legume food calorie chart Return to Index

Food NameCalories (kcal)/Edible Part (g)Food NameCalories (kcal)/Edible Part (g)
Deep-fried potato chips612/100Dried sweet potato612/100
Black sesame seeds531/100Potato powder337/100
Sesame seeds (white)517/100Glass noodles337/100
Oil gluten490/100Sweet potato powder336/100
Instant noodles472/100Corn (white)336/100
Fried dough399/100Corn (yellow)335/100
Fried dough stick386/100Rice noodles335/100
Noodle made from oats385/100Black rice333/100
Job's tears357/100Buckwheat powder304/100
Parboiled rice (standard one)351/100Sugar cake302/100
Sorghum rice351/100Fu Qiang Fen Cut Noodles noodle285/100
Fuqiang powder350/100Standard powder noodle280/100
Macaroni350/100Pan-fried pancake255/100
Yellow millet (sorghum)349/100Steamed bun (standard powder)233/100
Glutinous rice348/100Bran220/100
Japonica rice (standard two)348/100Steamed twisted roll217/100
Hangmian (Fuqiang Powder)347/100Steamed bun (Fuqiang powder)208/100
Machine milled rice347/100Surface gluten140/100
Corn grits347/100Roasted gluten121/100
Rice noodle (dry, thin)346/100Steamed rice (Japonica rice)117/100
Fragrant rice346/100Steamed rice (Parboiled rice)114/100
Parboiled rice (standard two)345/100Noodles (cooked, rich and strong noodles)109/100
Noodle (standard powder)344/100Fresh corn106/46
Standard powder344/100Sweet potato (white heart)104/86
Glutinous red rice343/100Sweet potato (red heart)99/9
Japonica rice (standard one)343/100Rice noodle skin64/100
Yellow rice342/100Millet porridge46/100
Cornmeal (white)340/100Rice porridge (Japonica rice)46/100
Cornmeal (yellow)340/100Red bean paste243/100
Vegetable shrimp (fried)244/78Red bean filling240/100
Dried tofu skin244/79Vegetable ham211/100
Dried tofu stick244/80Guilin fermented bean curd204/100
Soy milk powder244/81Soybean thread201/100
Soybean powder244/82Vegetarian chicken192/100
Dried tofu skin244/83Vegetarian mixed dish173/100
Deep-fried broad bean paste244/84Vegetarian large intestine153/100
Deep-fried tofu pudding244/85Smoked dried tofu153/100
Black soybeans244/86Soybean paste151/100
Soybeans244/87Fragrant dried tofu147/100
Fava beans (dry, peeled)244/88Dried tofu140/100
Marinated dried tofu244/89Shanghai fermented bean curd138/100
Tiger skin kidney bean244/9Dried vegetable136/100
Mung bean flour244/91White fermented bean curd133/100
Mung beans244/92Stinky tofu130/100
Mixed beans244/93Northern tofu98/100
Adzuki beans244/94Sour bean milk67/100
Peas (dry)244/95Southern tofu57/100
Red beans244/96Soy milk30/100
Mixed kidney beans (with skin)244/97Soy milk13/100
Fava beans (dry, with skin)244/98Tofu brain10/100
White kidney beans244/99
Deep-fried tofu244/100

  Vegetable Food Calorie Chart Return to Index Table

Food NameCalories (kcal)/Edible Part (g)Food NameCalories (kcal)/Edible Part (g)
Dried Ginger273/95Eggplant (Green Skin)25/9
Fiddlehead Fern (Dehydrated)251/100Amaranth (Green)25/74
Bamboo Shoot (Black Shoot, Dried)213/76Potherb Mustard24/94
Chili Pepper (Red Point, Dried)212/88Scallion24/73
Daylily199/98 spinach 24/89
Bamboo Shoot (White Shoot, Dried)196/64Cauliflower24/82
Purple Garlic136/89Fennel24/86
Garlic126/85Leaf Mustard24/88
Edamame123/53Water Bamboo Shoot23/74
Fava Bean104/31Green Chili Pepper (Point)23/84
Water Chestnut94/89Pumpkin22/85
Tomato Sauce (Canned)81/100Bell Pepper22/82
Beet75/9Oil Bean Pod22/99
Lotus Root7/88Mao Bamboo Shoot21/67
Alfalfa60/100Hearty Radish21/88
Water Chestnut59/78Garlic Chive21/97
Chinese Yam56/83Tong Hao21/82
Chinese Toon47/76Canned Tomato (Whole)21/100
Goji Berry Leaf44/49Eggplant21/93
Mung Bean Sprout44/100Towel Gourd20/83
Carrot (Yellow)43/97Water Spinach20/76
Magnolia Flower Bud43/100Radish Leaf (Small, Red)20/93
Fresh Ginger41/95Wood Ear Mushroom20/76
Onion39/9White Radish20/95
Carrot (Red)37/96Rapeseed Bud20/93
Lentil37/91Spring Bamboo Shoot20/66
Garlic Sprout37/82Celery20/67
Horned Melon37/88Chinese Broccoli19/78
Elm Seed36/100Small Water Radish19/66
Bitter Vegetable35/100Bamboo Shoot19/63
Sword Bean35/92Tomato19/97
Mustard Head33/83Long Eggplant19/96
Broccoli (Green)33/83Bitter Melon19/81
Red Chili Pepper (Small)32/80Cucumber18/88
Amaranth (Purple)31/73Asparagus18/9
Celery Leaf31/100Lettuce Leaf18/89
Green Radish31/95Mung Bean Sprout18/100
Burdock Root30/78Watercress (Water Bean Pod)17/73
Green Onion (Fresh)30/82Cucumber15/92
Winter Cold Vegetable30/58Chinese Cabbage15/81
White Cowpea30/97Chinese Cabbage (Green and White)15/83
Green Garlic30/84Sauerkraut14/100
Cowpea (Long)29/97Chinese Cabbage (Small White)14/85
Cowpea (Long)29/98Chinese Mustard (Cover Vegetable)14/71
Pea Sprout29/98Celery14/66
Red Vegetable29/52Radish Leaf (White)14/100
Four Seasons Bean28/96Asparagus Lettuce14/62
Snow Pea27/88Gourd14/87
Thistle Vegetable27/88Water Celery13/60
Chinese Leek26/9Weight Loss Sponge Gourd12/91
Turnip26/94White Gourd11/80
Chinese Cabbage Bud25/84Bamboo Shoot (Whip Shoot)11/45
Water Bamboo Shoot25/77Western Melon10/88
Kidney Bean25/96

  Fruit Food Calorie Chart Return to Index Table

Food NameCalories (kcal) / Edible Part (grams)Food NameCalories (kcal) / Edible Part (grams)
Pine Nuts698/100Kiwifruit56/83
Raw Pine Nuts640/32Huangyuan Apple55/80
Dried Walnuts627/43Kumquat55/100
Fried Pine Nuts619/31Beijing White Pear54/79
Fried Sunflower Seeds616/52Guanggu Apple54/78
Sunflower Seed Kernels606/100Yellow Peach54/93
Dried Hickory Nuts601/24Begonia Canned53/100
Raw Sunflower Seeds597/50Wojin Apple50/86
Fried Hazelnuts594/21Yaguang Pear50/76
Fried Peanuts589/71Grape (Kyoho)50/84
Peanut Kernels (Fried)581/100Grape (Rose Fragrance)50/86
Fried Pumpkin Seeds574/68Mulberry49/100
Fried Watermelon Seeds573/43Green Banana Apple49/80
Pumpkin Seed Kernels566/100Red Banana Apple49/87
Raw Peanut Kernels563/100Yellow Banana Apple49/88
Watermelon Seed Kernels555/100Olive49/80
Dried Hazelnuts542/27Laiyang Pear49/80
Almonds514/100Apple Pear48/94
Ginkgo Nuts355/100Purple Crisp Pear47/59
Dried Chestnuts345/73Winter Fruit Pear Canned47/100
Dried Lotus Seeds344/100Orange47/74
Raisins341/100Ba Pear46/79
Apple Preserves336/100Zhu Guang Apple46/86
Apricot Preserves329/100Peach (Hanjiu Bao)46/89
Fresh Walnuts327/43Cherry46/80
Golden Jujube322/81Red Fuji Apple45/85
Fruit Leather321/100Fu Apple45/86
Seedless Dates320/100Fu Tangerine45/67
Dried Longan313/100Indian Apple44/9
Peach Preserves310/100Hongyu Apple43/84
Watermelon Preserves305/100Crispy Pear43/72
Dried Dates298/88Wild Goose Pear43/82
Raw Peanuts298/53Lugan Tangerine43/77
Apricot Sauce286/100Grape (Purple)43/88
Begonia Preserves286/100Peach (May Fresh)42/93
Apple Sauce277/100Honey Tangerine42/76
Dried Longan273/37Pineapple41/68
Peach Sauce273/100Snow Flake Pear41/86
Strawberry Sauce269/100Guava41/97
Dried Dates264/80Peach (Kiu Bao)41/94
Dried Persimmon250/97Honey Peach41/88
Coconut231/33Pomelo (Wen Dan)41/69
Black Dates228/59Sichuan Red Tangerine4/78
Black Jujube228/98Apple Canned39/100
Miyun Jujube214/92Loquat39/62
Lotus Seeds (Syrup)201/100Small Leaf Tangerine38/81
Jujube200/41Winter Fruit Pear37/87
Fresh Chestnuts185/80Apricot Canned37/100
Dried Hawthorn152/100Apricot36/91
Wine Dates145/91Plum36/91
Fresh Dates122/87Lemon35/66
Plantain109/68Plum and Apricot35/92
Hawthorn95/76Hami Melon34/71
Banana91/59Watermelon (Jingxin No.1)34/59
Ginseng Fruit80/88Syrup Pear Canned33/100
Fresh Longan7/50Red Xiao Pear30/87
Fresh Litchi (Detached)7/73Starfruit29/88
Sugarcane Juice64/100Bayberry28/82
Agate Pomegranate63/57Korla Pear28/91
Green Pomegranate61/55Lemon Juice26/100
Red Commander Apple59/84Watermelon (Zhengzhou No.3)25/59
Peach Canned58/100White Melon21/55
Red Star Apple57/85

  Calorie Table of Meat Foods Back to Index

Food NameCalories (kcal)/Edible Part (g)Food NameCalories (kcal)/Edible Part (g)
Pork (Fat)816/100Beef Tongue196/100
Mutton Jerky (Sheep)588/100Chicken Wings194/69
Sausage584/100Pig's Large Intestine191/100
Pork (Blood Neck)576/9Pig's Ear190/100
Pork (Rib Meat)568/96Pork (Leg)190/100
Beef Jerky550/100Casserole Chicken Soup (Meat)190/100
Sauce Meat549/96Marinated Pig Offal186/100
Duck Skin538/100Cured Meat181/100
Sausage508/100Chicken Leg181/69
Hen Duck461/75Sheep's Tendon (Raw)177/100
Beef Floss445/100Chicken Heart172/100
Chicken Floss440/100Stewed Beef (Canned)166/100
Beijing Roast Duck436/80Donkey Meat Sauce160/100
Guangdong Sausage433/100Pig's Tendon156/100
Beijing Stuffed Duck424/75Pork (Tenderloin)155/100
Casserole Chicken Soup (Soup)408/100Beef Tendon151/100
Pork Floss396/100Duck Feet150/59
Pork (Fat, Lean)395/100Beef Tendon (Cooked)147/100
Broiler chicken389/74Sand Grouse147/41
Salted Meat385/100Duck Wings146/67
Cock Duck360/63Duck Heart143/100
Pork (Soft Five Flowers)349/85Turkey Liver143/100
Pork (Hard Five Flowers)339/79Pork (Lean)143/100
Pork (Fore Shank)338/67Sheep Brain142/100
Kung Pao Pork (Canned)336/100Beef Liver139/100
Pork (Rear Tip)331/97Crow Meat136/100
Tea Sausage329/100Sheep Liver134/100
Pork (Rear Shank)320/73Chicken Breast133/100
Jinhua Ham318/100Pig Brain131/100
Pig Elbow Stick (Cooked)314/72Pig Liver129/99
Salted Duck (Cooked)312/81Goose Liver129/100
Garlic Sausage297/100Magpie Meat128/100
Small Mud Sausage295/100Duck Liver128/100
Mutton (Frozen, Goat)293/100Native Chicken124/58
Pork Sausage Canned290/100Horse Meat122/100
Roast Goose289/73Chicken Liver (Broiler chicken)121/100
Mutton (Frozen, Sheep)285/100Chicken Liver121/100
Air-Dried Sausage283/100Pig Heart119/97
Little Red Sausage280/100Lean Mutton118/9
Char Siu Pork279/100Chicken Gizzard118/100
KFC Fried Chicken279/7Ham117/100
Egg White Sausage278/100Dog Meat116/80
Pork Ribs278/72Donkey Meat (Lean)116/100
Large Sausage272/100Sheep Heart113/100
Sauce Mutton272/100Mutton (Foreleg)111/71
Large Sausage267/100Black-Boned Chicken111/48
Sauce Duck266/80Quail110/58
Pig Feet266/60Pig Stomach110/96
Pig Chops264/68Mutton (Chest)109/81
Lunch Sausage261/100Mutton (Neck)109/74
Red Fruit Sausage260/100Beef (Lean)106/100
Pig Feet (Cooked)260/43Turkey Breast103/100
Hen (Chicken within one year)256/66Mutton (Hind Leg)102/77
Chicken Feet254/60Rabbit Meat102/100
Donkey Meat (Cooked)251/100Beef (Shank)100/95
Sauce Duck (Canned)248/93Goose Gizzard100/100
Pig Elbow Stick248/67Beef (Hind Leg)98/100
Cured Mutton246/100Pig Kidney96/93
Sauce Beef246/100Beef (Foreleg)95/100
Goose245/63Beef Lung94/100
Duck Tongue245/61Mutton (Back)94/100
Roast Chicken240/73Beef (Hind Shank)93/94
Duck240/68Duck Gizzard92/93
Mutton Skewers (Electric Grill)234/100Turkey Gizzard91/100
Pig's Mouth Strip233/94Turkey Leg9/100
Lunch Meat229/100Sheep Kidney9/100
Small Stomach225/100Duck Breast9/100
Sheep Tongue225/100Sheep Stomach87/100
Mutton Skewers (Fried)217/100Hare Meat84/100
Mutton (Cooked)215/100Pig Lung84/97
Braised Chicken215/66Beef Stomach72/100
Ham Sausage212/100Sheep Large Intestine7/100
Stewed Chicken212/7Pig Small Intestine65/100
Pig Liver (Stewed)203/100Duck Blood (White Duck)58/100
Pigeon201/42Sheep Blood57/100
Pork (Steamed)198/100Pig Blood55/100
Mutton (Fat, Lean)198/90Chicken Blood49/100

  Egg food calorie chart Return to index table

Food NameCalories (kcal)/Edible Part (g)Food NameCalories (kcal)/Edible Part (g)
Egg yolk powder644/100Preserved egg (duck)171/90
Egg powder545/100Quail egg160/86
Duck egg yolk378/100Egg (red shell)156/88
Egg yolk328/100Spiced quail egg in can152/89
Goose egg yolk324/100Egg (white shell)138/87
Goose egg196/87Egg white60/100
Salted duck egg190/88Goose egg white48/100
Duck egg180/87Duck egg white47/100
Preserved egg (chicken)178/83

  Aquatic food calorie chart Return to index table

Food NameCalories (kcal)/Edible Part (g)Food NameCalories (kcal)/Edible Part (g)

  Dairy food calorie chart Return to index table

Food NameCalories (kcal) / Edible Portion (g)Food NameCalories (kcal) / Edible Portion (g)
Butter892/100Condensed Milk (Canned, Sweet)332/100
Buttermilk599/100Fresh Milk Tofu305/100
Milk Powder (Breast Milk Formula)510/100Yogurt72/100
Goat Milk Powder (Whole Milk)498/100Fruit Yogurt67/100
Milk Powder (Fortified with Vitamins)484/100Breast Milk65/100
Milk Powder (Whole Milk)478/100Medium Fat Yogurt64/100
Milk Tablets472/100High Protein Yogurt62/100
Instant Whole Milk Powder466/100Fresh Goat Milk59/100
Milk Skin460/100Low Fat Yogurt57/100
Infant Milk Powder443/100Milk54/100
Milk Curd426/100Milk (Fortified with VA, VD)51/100
Ice Cream Mix396/100Orange Flavored Low Fat Yogurt48/100
Low Fat Milk Tofu343/100Flavored Milk20/100

  Calorie Chart for Fatty Foods Back to Index

Food NameCalories (kcal) / Edible Portion (g)Food NameCalories (kcal) / Edible Portion (g)
Palm Oil900/100Refined Lard897/100
Canola Oil899/100Refined Duck Fat897/100
Camellia Oil899/100Hemp oil 897/100
Soybean Oil899/100Refined Mutton Fat895/100
Peanut Oil899/100Corn Oil895/100
Sunflower Seed Oil899/100Butter835/100
Cottonseed Oil899/100Unrefined Lard827/100
Refined Butter898/100Mutton Fat824/100
Salad Oil898/100Chili Oil450/100
Sesame Oil898/100Sesame oil (This term does not have a direct English translation and may refer to a specific type of oil.)450/100

  Calorie Chart for Pastries and Snacks Back to Index

Food NameCalories (kcal)/Edible Part (g)Food NameCalories (kcal)/Edible Part (g)
Butter892/100Condensed Milk (Canned, Sweet)332/100
Butter Dregs599/100Fresh Milk Tofu305/100
Milk Powder (Breast Milk Formula)510/100Yogurt72/100
Goat Milk Powder (Whole Milk)498/100Fruit Yogurt67/100
Milk Powder (Fortified with Vitamins)484/100Breast Milk65/100
Milk Powder (Whole Milk)478/100Medium Fat Yogurt64/100
Milk Tablet472/100High Protein Yogurt62/100
Milk Powder (Instant Whole Milk)466/100Fresh Goat Milk59/100
Milk Skin460/100Skim Yogurt57/100
Milk Powder (Infant Formula)443/100Milk54/100
Milk Curd426/100Milk (Fortified with VA, VD)51/100
Ice Cream Mix396/100Orange Flavored Skim Yogurt48/100
Skim Milk Tofu343/100Flavored Milk20/100

  Calorie Table of Fatty Foods Back to Index

Food NameCalories (kcal)/Edible Part (g)Food NameCalories (kcal)/Edible Part (g)
Palm Oil900/100Refined Lard897/100
Canola Oil899/100Refined Duck Fat897/100
Tea Oil899/100 Hemp oil 897/100
Soybean Oil899/100Refined Mutton Tallow895/100
Peanut Oil899/100Corn Oil895/100
Sunflower Seed Oil899/100Butter835/100
Cottonseed Oil899/100Unrefined Lard827/100
Refined Butter898/100Mutton Tallow824/100
Salad Oil898/100Chili Oil450/100
Sesame Oil898/100Sesame Oil450/100

  Calorie Table of Pastries and Snacks Back to Index

Food NameCalories (kcal)/Edible Part (g)Food NameCalories (kcal)/Edible Part (g)
VC Biscuits572/100Croissant375/100
Cookies546/100Lotus Root Powder372/100
Fried Dough Twists544/100Delicious Crispy Rolls368/100
Wafers528/100Honey Twists367/100
Fried Twists524/100Mung Bean Cake349/100
Laughing Mouth Open512/100Cake347/100
Phoenix Tail Crisp511/100Osmanthus Lotus Root Powder344/100
Flaky Pastry499/100Egg White Cake339/100
Beijing Style Yellow Crisp490/100Fulinga Biscuits332/100
Peach Crisp481/100Bowl Cake332/100
Walnut Thin Crisp480/100Butter Bread329/100
Fu Lai Crisp465/100Baked Scone326/100
Spring Roll463/100Coconut Ring Bread320/100
Hard Skin Pastry463/100Steamed Cake320/100
Goose Oil Roll461/100Multivitamin Bread318/100
Mixed Sugar Pastry453/100Bread312/100
Egg Sesame Crisp452/100Chestnut Sheep Cake301/100
Blooming Beans446/100French Meal Bread282/100
Calcium Milk Biscuits444/100Fried Cake280/100
Mooncake (Cream Fruit Filling)441/100Vitamin Bread279/100
Glutinous Rice Sticks439/100Fruit Stuffing Bread278/100
Mooncake (Cream Pine Nut)438/100Salty Bread274/100
Chicken Leg Crisp436/100Wheat Germ Bread246/100
Black Sesame Crisp436/100Three Fresh Bean Skins240/100
Beijing Eight Pieces435/100Shao Mai238/100
Zhuangyuan Cake435/100Soup Bag238/100
Cream Biscuits429/100Rolling Donkey194/100
Biscuits (Cream)429/100White Water Sheep Head193/100
Mooncake (Bai Shou Yan Dian)428/100Ai Wo Wo190/100
Crispy Pastry426/100Ai Wo Wo190/100
Mooncake (Date Paste)424/100Rice Cake154/100
Black Foreign Crisp417/100Sausage134/100
Mooncake (Five Kernels)416/100Pea Yellow133/100
Soda Biscuits408/100Fried Liver96/100
Sesame Oil Fried Noodles407/100Oil Tea94/100
Mooncake (Red Bean Paste)405/100Tea Soup92/100
Sesame Fragrance Cake401/100Small Bean Porridge61/100
Sesame Baked Cake397/100Cool Powder (with Seasoning)50/100
Pineapple Beans392/100Bean Curd Brain (with Brine)47/100
Egg Yolk Crisp386/100Cool Powder37/100
Cake (Cream)378/100Bean Juice (Raw)10/100

  Sugary Food Calorie Chart Return to Index

Food NameCalories (kcal)/Edible Part (g)Food NameCalories (kcal)/Edible Part (g)
Chocolate586/100Powdered Sugar396/100
Chocolate (Whiff)572/100Brown Sugar389/100
Sesame Candy538/100Rice Candy384/100
Fried Candy436/100Bubble Gum360/68
Milk Candy407/100Starch (Tapioca)346/100
Chocolate (Liqueur)400/100Starch (Corn)345/100
Sour Three-Color Candy397/100Starch (Potato)337/100
Rock sugar 397/100Honey321/100

  Beverage Food Calorie Chart Return to Index

Food NameCalories (kcal)/Edible Part (g)Food NameCalories (kcal)/Edible Part (g)
Malted Milk429/100 Ice bricks 153/100
Plum Essence394/100Ice Cream126/100
Haw Flake Essence386/100Orange Juice119/100
Erguotou (58%)352/100Red Wine (16%)91/100
Cocoa Powder320/100Red Wine (12%)68/100
Longjing Grade A309/100White Wine (11%)62/100
Green Tea296/100Ice Pop47/100
Black Tea294/100Almond Milk46/100
Flower Tea281/100Special Soda42/100
Orange Juice (Concentrated Tangerine)235/100Chocolate Soy Milk39/100
Zi Snow Ice Cream228/100Lemon Soda38/100
Brick Tea206/100Beijing 6% Special Beer35/100

  Fungi and Algae Food Calorie Chart Return to Index

Food NameCalories (kcal)/Edible Part (g)Food NameCalories (kcal)/Edible Part (g)
Carrageenan314/100Hazel Mushroom157/77
Fa Cai246/100Pine Mushroom112/100
Mushroom242/100Kelp (Dried)77/98
Pu Zhong Red Mushroom214/100Needle Mushroom26/100
Pearl White Mushroom212/100Straw Mushroom23/100
Winter Mushroom212/86Double Spore Mushroom22/97
Dried Shiitake Mushroom211/95Soaked Fungus21/100
Apricot Mushroom207/100Canned Needle Mushroom21/100
Seaweed207/100Oyster Mushroom20/93
Black Fungus205/100Fresh Mushroom20/99
Big Red Mushroom200/100Fresh Shiitake Mushroom19/100
White Fungus200/96Fresh Kelp17/100
Yellow Mushroom166/89Canned Monkey Head Mushroom13/100

  Other Food Calorie Chart Return to Index

Food NameCalories (kcal)/Edible Portion (g)Food NameCalories (kcal)/Edible Portion (g)
Sesame paste618/100Eight-treasure pickled vegetables (sauce)72/100
Peanut butter594/100Soy sauce71/100
Mustard476/100Dried radish60/100
Pepper357/100Broad bean chili sauce59/100
Monosodium glutamate268/100Napa cabbage (Osmanthus)51/100
Fermented black beans (Five-spice)244/100Winter vegetables46/100
Spicy bean paste184/100Pickled Chinese cabbage39/100
Bean paste178/100Pickled mustard head38/100
Sweet bean sauce136/100Spicy radish strips37/100
Spicy sauce (numbing)135/100Pickled Napa cabbage (sauce)36/100
Soybean paste131/100Chili paste31/100
Vinegar130/100Pickled radish30/100
Spicy beef paste127/100Pickled mustard greens29/100
Candied garlic114/74Pickled snow vegetable25/100
Sweet and spicy cucumber99/100Pickled cucumber24/100
Pixian chili sauce89/100Chive flowers (pickled)15/100
Mixed pickles75/100

How many calories does an adult need per day?

I. The role of calories
Calories come from carbohydrates, fats, and proteins
Carbohydrates produce calories = 4 kcal/g
Protein produces calories = 4 kcal/g
Fat produces calories = 9 kcal/g.

II. Units of calories
Kilocalorie, kilojoule
1 kcal = 4.184 kilojoules
1 kcal: is the amount of heat that can raise the temperature of 1 milliliter of water by 1 degree Celsius.

III. Daily calorie needs for adults
Daily calorie needs for adults =
The basic calories needed for basal metabolism + the calories needed for physical activity + the calories needed for digestion.

The calories needed for digestion = 10% x (the minimum basic calories needed for basal metabolism + the calories needed for physical activity)

Daily calorie needs for adults = 1.1 x (the minimum basic calories needed for basal metabolism + the calories needed for physical activity)

Daily calorie needs for adults
Male: 9250- 1009 kilojoules
Female: 798 - 882 kilojoules
Note: The calories provided by food per day should not be less than 5000 kilojoules - 7500 kilojoules. This is the minimum energy required to maintain normal human life activities.

Basic Caloric Needs for Basal Metabolism
Simple Calculation Method
FemaleBasic Calories (kcal) = Weight (jin) x 9
MaleBasic Calories (kcal) = Weight (jin) x 10

Precise Calculation Method for Basic Caloric Needs for Basal Metabolism (kcal)

18- 30 years old14.6 x Weight (kg) + 450
31- 60 years old8.6 x Weight (kg) + 830
Over 60 years old10.4 x Weight (kg) + 600
18- 30 years old15.2 x Weight (kg) + 680
31- 60 years old11.5 x Weight (kg) + 830
Over 60 years old13.4 x Weight (kg) + 490