Online Query Human Biological Cycle PSI Chart - masters-tool Practical Tools Network

The human biological cycle, also known as the human biorhythm, is characterized by the periodic changes of a person's intelligence, emotion, and physical strength, showing a " ** period—critical period—low tide period" pattern. Accurately understanding the human biological cycle can help you better arrange work and study. This tool provides the function of querying the human biological cycle, equipped with beautiful charts and intuitive data display, which has more accurate reference value.

  • Note: Calculating the human biological clock must use the Gregorian birthday!, the impact of different periods, see the following analysis.

Human Biological Rhythm Cycle Table

Biological Rhythm ** Period Biological Rhythm Critical Day Biological Rhythm Low Tide Period
Physical Rhythm Physically strong, agile body, quick movements, strong endurance and explosive power, full of vitality, can undertake heavy physical labor, recover quickly after fatigue; at this time, the body's resistance to disease is strong, not easy to get sick, and the effect of treating diseases is obvious. Low resistance, poor immune function, weak body, extremely prone to fatigue. Easily affected by various adverse factors. Sometimes abnormal movements are exhibited. Athletes are prone to injury during high-intensity training. Chronic diseases are highly likely to recur or worsen, and this is a dangerous point for critically ill patients or the elderly. Most people often die on the critical day. Feeling weak and lazy, with poor endurance and explosive power, often feeling inadequate when working, easy to get tired. More prone to infectious diseases, especially asthma attacks are highly likely. The effect of treating diseases during the low tide period is generally not obvious.
Emotional Rhythm Pleasant mood, optimistic and cheerful, full of energy, strong will, confident in handling affairs, strong creativity, artistic appeal. It is the best time for creation. The thinking is flexible and agile, which is a good time to resolve contradictions and handle difficult problems. The attitude towards problems is positive and constructive. Can get along harmoniously with others. Business trade is generally not prone to errors, and the efficiency is also high. Unstable emotions, irritable and angry, restless, especially hard to concentrate. Dazed spirit, prone to mistakes at work, most likely to have traffic, aviation flight, and industrial accidents. Poor self-control, lack of rationality, and prone to impulsiveness. A trivial matter can easily provoke anger, and once provoked, it often leads to excessive behavior. It is the onset and dangerous period for mental illness and coronary heart disease. ** Often occurs in this stage. Have a mentality of making trouble out of nothing, and cannot do a good job of mediation. Some contradictions and conflicts such as fights, family and neighborhood disputes also often occur at this time. Low spirits, lack of energy, will is relatively depressed. Lack of courage to do things, lack of confidence, attention is easily scattered, often feel restless or restless, and it is also easy to make mistakes and accidents at work.
Intellectual Rhythm Physically strong, agile body, quick movements, strong endurance and explosive power, full of vitality, can undertake heavy physical labor, recover quickly after fatigue; at this time, the body's resistance to disease is strong, not easy to get sick, and the effect of treating diseases is obvious. Poor judgment, forgetful, distracted attention, severe cases may have a dizzy and swollen head, lose things and forget things, prone to mistakes and errors in work. It is not suitable to do calculations, transactions at this time, and it is best not to ** write articles by yourself. Thinking seems slow, weak memory. Understanding and conceptual association is relatively slow, logical thinking ability is weak, attention is not easy to concentrate, judgment is often reduced, lack of intuition, and work efficiency is not high.

Human Biological Cycle (PSI)

  • Quick-thinking, agile mind, clear thinking, strong memory, and focused energy and attention. Good at comprehensive analysis, accurate judgment, strong logical thinking, high work efficiency and quality. It is the best time for learning, creating, writing articles, decision-making, and calculation.
  • Human biorhythm, also known as the human biological cycle, is specifically manifested as the intellectual, emotional, and physical strength of a person showing a " ** period - critical period - low tide period" cyclical change over time. Understanding the human biorhythm will help you better arrange your work and study.
  • The practice of "Human Biorhythmology" has proven that only elements from the orthodox Chinese tradition truly reflect the basic laws of the internal rhythms of the human body and also have operable social practical value.
  • Human biorhythm refers to physical rhythm, emotional rhythm, and intellectual rhythm. Because it has accurate timing, it is also called the human biological clock. The biological clock, also known as the circadian clock, is an intangible clock within a living organism. It is actually the inherent rhythmicity of the life activities of the organism, determined by the internal temporal structure of the organism. Through the study of the biological clock, new disciplines such as chronobiology, chronopharmacology, and chronotherapy have been developed, which can control the quality and quantity of time and space development within the body, called the biological clock.
  • This tool is designed to facilitate everyone to view their biological cycle on a certain day, in order to formulate the corresponding timetable.

PSI Example

  • A high school graduate is preparing for the college entrance examination, and the preliminary exam results are very good, it seems that victory is in sight. Unexpectedly, the formal college entrance examination was a complete failure. Later, a biological rhythm test revealed that during the preliminary exam, his biological rhythms were all in the ** period; during the formal exam, his intelligence and physical strength were in the low tide period, and his emotions were in the critical period.
  • A foreign transportation company surveyed that more than half of the traffic accidents that occurred over the years were during the driver's critical period. Later, the company asked the drivers to be extra careful during the low tide period and critical period, or to stop driving, and as a result, the accidents were reduced by half.
  • International sports figures have analyzed the biorhythms of 200 athletes in two Olympic Games and found that about 87% of the athletes achieved good results in the ** period.
  • It seems that during the ** period of the biorhythm, people are in the best state and are easy to achieve ideal results. During the low tide period or critical period, people's talents are suppressed and it is difficult to perform at normal levels.
  • Therefore, the biorhythm is not only very helpful for students to arrange review time, athletes to choose the competition period, drivers to adjust their work and rest dates, but also for researchers or surgeons to arrange experimental or surgical time, observe and prevent and treat periodic diseases, and explain the reasons for couples' quarrels, etc., all have a certain guiding and reference significance. This is also the significance of this tool!

PSI Algorithm

  • 1. First, calculate the "total number of days" that is, calculate the total number of days from the date of birth to the date of calculation (in simpler terms, how many days you have been born).
  • 2. Then calculate the "remainder", divide the total number of days calculated before by 33, 28, 23 (they are the number of days of the intellectual, emotional, and physical rhythm cycles, respectively) and then get the remainder.
  • 3. After the remainder is obtained, if you only need to understand what period the calculation day is in ( ** period, low tide period, critical period), the most convenient method is to use the "cycle number divided by 2 comparison method", also known as the half-cycle method: 33/2=16.5…… (half-cycle number of the intellectual clock) 28/2=14.…… (half-cycle number of the emotional clock) 23/2=11.5…… (half-cycle number of the physical clock) Compare the "remainder" with the half-cycle number, if the remainder is less than the half-cycle number of this biological clock, this biological clock is running in the ** period; if it is greater than the half-cycle number, it is running in the low tide period; if it is close to the half-cycle number or the full cycle, and the remainder is zero, it is the critical period.