Web Page Color Matching and Tips

Color Matching Basics:
1. In web pages, color is expressed using three colors, namely Red (R), Green (G), and Blue (B), commonly referred to as RGB color. It includes all the colors perceived by humans. The expression of color in web pages is as follows (using red as an example): RGB format: Red is (255,,) or hexadecimal hex format as (FF000).
2. By transitioning colors in the sequence "Red -> Yellow -> Green -> Blue -> Red," you can obtain a 12-color wheel: Red, Orange-Red, Orange, Orange-Yellow, Yellow, Yellow-Green, Green, Blue-Green, Blue, Blue-Purple, Purple, and Magenta.
3. Colors are divided into two categories: non-color and color. Non-color refers to the system of black, white, and gray. Color refers to all colors other than non-color. Typically, content text uses non-color (black), while borders, backgrounds, and images use color. Therefore, even if the page is rich, looking at the content will not be dazzling, and there should be a high contrast between the background and the content.

Categorized by a single main color

Web page design generally takes a single color as the main color. Each category below is based on that color, complemented by other or similar colors, and arranged in order from light and lively to rich and strong.


- It is an exciting color. Stimulating effect, it can evoke feelings of impulse, anger, passion, and vitality.


It is also an exciting color, possessing effects of cheerfulness, joy, warmth, and fashion.


- It has a personality of happiness, hope, wisdom, and cheerfulness, and it has the highest brightness.

Yellow green



- It is situated between warm and cool colors, giving a sense of harmony, tranquility, health, and safety. When paired with golden yellow and light white, it can create an elegant and comfortable atmosphere. 。




- It is the color that represents coolness, freshness, and professionalism the most. When mixed with white, it can reflect a gentle, elegant, and romantic atmosphere (like the color of the sky:) White - It has the feeling of purity, brightness, innocence, and cleanliness. 。





Purplish red



The color matching may seem complex, but it is not mysterious. Since each color has its own position in the impression space, the impression obtained by color matching can be approximated using addition and subtraction. If each color is high brightness, then their superposition will naturally be soft and bright; If each color is strong, then when they are stacked, they will be strong. Of course, in the actual design process, designers also need to consider multiplication and division. For example, colors with the same brightness and contrast may have different angles on the color ring, and when combined, they will give a sense of diversity. Therefore, in addition to listing collocations based on color and hue, this book should also classify collocations with impressions as the focus for readers to refer to。

Soft、 bright、 gentle

Pairing high brightness colors together will give a soft, bright, and gentle feeling. To avoid glare, designers usually use low brightness foreground tones, and the distance between the color rings also helps to avoid dullness。


For a soft, clean, and refreshing impression, the colors adjacent to blue and green in the color ring should be the most suitable. And the brightness is too high. It can be seen that almost every combination has white participation. Of course, in actual design, high brightness colors with opposite shades of blue and green can be used instead of white。

Cute, happy, and fun

The color matching characteristics in cute, happy, and interesting impressions are uniform color distribution, warm and cold matching, high saturation, and high color resolution。

Lively, joyful, and interesting

Compared to the previous impression, lively, happy, and interesting have a wider range of color choices,? The most important change is to replace pure white with low saturation colored or gray。

Sporty and light hearted

The color of sports should enhance the intense and stimulating feeling, while also reflecting health, happiness, and sunshine. Therefore, colors with high saturation and low brightness often appear in such impressions。

Light, gorgeous, and dynamic

A gorgeous impression requires the page to be filled with colors and have high saturation, while reducing the brightness appropriately can strengthen this impression。

Wild, energetic, and dynamic

In the wild impression space, low brightness colors are indispensable, and even suitable black combinations can be used. Other colors with high saturation and strong contrast。

Gorgeous, flashy, feminine

Purple and magenta are the main characters on feminized pages, while pink and green are also commonly used color schemes. Usually, they need to be paired with high saturation。

Memories, femininity, elegance

The feeling of elegance is very unique, and the saturation of colors usually needs to be lowered. Usually, the adjacency between blue and red is used to adjust brightness and saturation for matching。

Noble, natural, and stable

Noble generally requires using low brightness yellow green, with a decrease in color brightness. Pay attention to color balance, and the page will appear stable。

Calm and natural

Green is the protagonist of a calm and natural impression, but as the main color on a page, it is easy to fall into an overly negative feeling of communication. Therefore, special attention should be paid to the design of patterns。

Traditional, elegant, and elegant

Traditional content generally requires a decrease in color saturation, especially when brown is suitable. As mentioned earlier, purple is also a commonly used color scheme for the impression of elegance and elegance。

Traditional, steady, classical

Traditional, steady, and classical are all conservative impressions. When choosing colors, it is advisable to use warm colors with low brightness as much as possible, which is in line with mature aesthetics。

Loyal, steady, and tasteful

Colors with low brightness and saturation will give people a sense of loyalty and stability. In order to avoid overly conservative colors and make the page rigid and negative, this combination should pay attention to the combination of cold and warm, as well as the contrast between light and dark。

Simple, clean, and progressive

Simple and clean colors can be expressed in shades of blue and green, with large areas of white space left. And the impression of progress can be more in blue, paired with low saturation or even gray。

Simple, fashionable, and elegant

Gray is the most balanced color and one of the main colors of plastic and metal texture, so it can express elegance and fashion, and can be used appropriately, even on a large area. But pay attention to the construction of patterns and texture。

Simple, progressive, fashionable

The main color for expressing progress is blue, paired with gray. The unified brightness and adjacent color phases of colors will appear concise in terms of color。