Online Mind Map Drawing Tool

This is a very simple and easy-to-use mind map drawing tool, which can simply draw a tree-like relationship diagram and text annotations, while also supporting color adjustment, zooming, and image generation functions. Very simple and practical. Provided for reference by friends in need.

About the Online Mind Map Drawing Tool

  1. This tool provides a simple mind mapping function, which can be completed by clicking and dragging with the mouse.
  2. When drawing shapes, click and drag the red dot to generate a new branch of the mind map (the newly generated branch node supports text editing and sub-node generation functions), and clicking and dragging the text can adjust the relative position of the mind map branch.
  3. Zoom in and out with the mouse to adjust the relative size of the generated mind map, and at the same time, clicking and dragging the blank area with the mouse can adjust the overall relative position of the shape.
  4. After the shape is drawn, you can click the "Export As Imageā€¦" button in the upper right corner to generate an image.