Currency Type:
Savings Type:
Savings Term:
Annual Interest Rate%:
Savings Amount:
Number of Days Deposited:
Total Interest:
Interest Tax Amount:
Start Date of Deposit:
End Date of Deposit:
(Standard Date Format: 2003-2-6)
Interest Tax Rate%:
Actual Interest Gained:
Total Amount Including Principal and Interest:
Bond Name:
Term (years): Issue Date:
Annual Interest Rate%: Maturity Date:
Interest Payment Method:
Bond Amount:
Interest per Period:
Total Interest:
Total Amount Including Principal and Interest:
Sell Currency: Buy Currency:
Exchange Rate: Sell Amount:
Buy Amount:
Fund Name: Subscription Amount:
Subscription Rate%: Subscription Unit Net Value:
Redemption Rate%: Redemption Unit Net Value:
Profit or Loss (Yuan):
Return Rate(%):
Detailed Calculation Results
Subscription Fee: Redemption Fee:
Subscription Shares: Redemption Amount:
Transaction Price:
Trade Quantity:
Margin Ratio%:
Total Amount (Yuan):
Income Type:
Income or Profit:
Social Insurance Fees:
Taxable Amount:
After-Tax Income:
Detailed Calculation Results
Tax Threshold:
Taxable Income:
Applicable Tax Rate%:
Quick Deduction Method:
Loan Type: Repayment Interval:
Term (Months): Disbursement Date:
Annual Interest Rate (%): Loan Amount:
Equal Principal and Interest Repayment Method
Total Interest: Cumulative Principal and Interest:
Repayment Amount per Period:
Equal Principal Repayment Method
Total Interest: Accumulated Principal and Interest:
Principal Repayment per Period:
Security Type: Trade Quantity:
Comprehensive Trade Rate%: Buy Price:
Sell Price:
Reference Break-even Price:
Profit and Loss Amount (Yuan):
Return on Investment (%):      
Buy Situation
Buy Cost:
 (Trade Amount + Tax)
Trade Amount:
Sell Situation
Sell amount:
(Trade amount - Tax)
Trade amount: