Display file list in directories without a default document

Generally, the default setting for this item is sufficient. If you choose "Display", it means that when accessing some directories without a default document, the server will return the file list of that directory. Please be aware that this may bring security risks to your site.

Enable site image caching

If your site includes a large number of images and they generally do not change, try enabling this option to set image caching. In some cases, enabling this option can speed up page loading and reduce server traffic consumption.

Directory Password Protection

Step 1 Create a .htpasswd file

Password characters
.htpasswd Content
After clicking the "Create .htpasswd Content" button, please copy the content in this section and save it as the .htpasswd file, and upload it to the server.

Step 2 Enter the full path of the uploaded .htpasswd file (e.g., /home/foo/bar/.htpasswd)

Custom Error Pages

Please enter the URL or the path of the error page (e.g., /404.html)

400 Bad Request
401 Unauthorized
402 Payment Required
403 Forbidden
404 Not Found
405 Method Not Allowed
406 Not Acceptable
407 Proxy Authentication Required
408 Request Timeout
409 Conflict
410 Gone
411 Length required
412 Condition failed
413 Request entity too long
414 Request URI is too long
500 Internal server error
501 Unrealized
502 Bad Gateway
503 Service unavailable
504 gateway timeout
505 HTTPVersion not supported

Preset page

Please enter a file name(example:index.html)

WWW Domain Redirection

Please enter the website address you finally decide to use (such ashttps://www.masters-tool.com or http://www.https://www.masters-tool.com, the program will automatically determine the type of redirection)

Web Page Redirection

Enter the website path in the "Original Address" and the website address in the "Target"


Original Address: / Target: http://www.new.com/

Redirect all files (folders) to the corresponding page of http://www.new.com/

Original Address: /old.html Target: http://www.old.com/new.html

Redirect the content of the page old.html to the page http://www.old.com/new.html

Don't know how to use it? See .htaccess Redirection and URL Rewriting Detailed Introduction for learning.

301 Moved Permanently Permanent Redirection

  • Original Address:  Target: 
  • Original Address:  Target: 
  • Original Address:  Target: 

302 Moved Temporarily Temporary Redirect

  • Original Address:  Target: 
  • Original Address:  Target: 
  • Original Address:  Target: 

Access Control

Please enter the allowed access path (IP):

  • OK: 
  • OK: 
  • OK: 
  • OK: 
  • OK: 
  • OK: 
  • OK: 
  • OK: 

Please enter the disallowed access path (IP):

  • Not Allowed: 
  • Not Allowed: 
  • Not Allowed: 
  • Not Allowed: 
  • Not Allowed: 
  • Not Allowed: 
  • Not Allowed: 
  • Not Allowed: 

Custom MIME Types

Enter your file extension (do not add a period)


  • File Extension:  Type: 
  • File Extension:  Type: 
  • File Extension:  Type: 
  • File Extension:  Type: 
  • File Extension:  Type: 
  • File Extension:  Type: 

Image File Anti-Leech

Enter the domain names that are allowed to link to your images and the address of the image you want to replace them with. Be especially careful that the address of the replacement file cannot be a file within your current domain, otherwise it will cause a loop.

For example: Enter the allowed domain name "yoursite.com", "baidu.com", "google.com" (without http:// and www, just enter the top-level domain, don't forget to add your own domain),

Replace the image with the complete URL: "http://www.https://www.masters-tool.com/photo.jpg"

Allow the following domains to access images:

  • Top-Level Domain (1): 
  • Top-Level Domain (2): 
  • Top-Level Domain (3): 
  • Top-Level Domain (4): 
  • Replace illegally leached images with:

  • Full Address (with "http://"): 

Generated Code:

After you have set up, please click the button above to download the file. Note: Due to a bug in the Windows operating system, please manually change the file name to ".htaccess" in the save dialog box and select "All" for the file type. Then upload the file to the relevant directory of the website.

Please do not attempt to edit the file through "Notepad" due to encoding issues, as this may cause errors in the file.