Update Record
2023.5.5: Online Yu'e Bao Income Calculator completed and launched

Online Yu'e Bao Income Calculator

This is an online calculator for calculating Yu'e Bao income. Users can choose the deposit date, annualized yield, etc. according to their needs to calculate the Yu'e Bao income and demand deposit income with one click. It's very simple and intuitive, convenient and easy to use. Provided free of charge for friends who need it for reference.

Yu'e Bao Income Calculator

One Month

  • 1 Month
  • 2 Months
  • 3 Months
  • 6 Months
  • 9 Months
  • 12 Months
  • 24 Months
Calculation Result

Interest Upon Maturity:

Comparison with Deposit Interest
Term Yu'e Bao Income Demand Deposit Income
  • Yu'e Bao Income Calculation Formula:
    Daily Income = (Confirmed Yu'e Bao Share Amount / 10,000) x Income per Ten Thousand Yuan. Assuming your confirmed share amount is 9,000 Yuan, and the daily income per ten thousand yuan is 1.25 Yuan, substitute into the calculation formula, your daily income is: 1.13 Yuan.
    Yu'e Bao Income Settlement Rules:
    Yu'e Bao's income is settled daily, and the previous day's income is credited around 15:00 every afternoon. The funds you spend or transfer out using Yu'e Bao do not earn income on that day.
    Transferring to Alipay Balance has a Limit:
    Real-time transfer from Yu'e Bao to balance: single transaction 1 million Yuan, daily 1 million Yuan, monthly 1 million Yuan.
    Transferring from Yu'e Bao to Bank Card has Frequency and Amount Limits:
    An account can perform up to 3 transfers to a bank card in one day. The limits are as follows: 1. Transfer to savings card express: single transaction/daily cumulative 1 million Yuan; 2. Real-time cash withdrawal limit: CITIC (counter contract: max 10,000 Yuan/transaction/day; personal online banking contract: max 5,000 Yuan/transaction/day (file certificate), 10,000 Yuan/transaction/day (mobile certificate); personal online banking without certificate users initiating contracts: max 200 Yuan/transaction/day), Everbright (max 5,000 Yuan/transaction/day), Ping An (max 5,000 Yuan/transaction/day), China Merchants Bank (max 50,000 Yuan/transaction/day).